Add-ons Update – Week of 2014/01/22

I post these updates every 3 weeks to inform add-on developers about the status of the review queues, add-on compatibility, and other happenings in the add-ons world.

The Review Queues

  • Most nominations for full review are taking less than 2 weeks to review.
  • 47 nominations in the queue awaiting review.
  • Most updates are being reviewed within 5 days.
  • 30 updates in the queue awaiting review.
  • Most preliminary reviews are being reviewed within 5 days.
  • 39 preliminary review submissions in the queue awaiting review.

If you’re an add-on developer and would like to see add-ons reviewed faster, please consider joining us. Add-on reviewers get invited to Mozilla events and earn cool gear with their work. Visit our wiki page for more information.

Firefox 27 Compatibility

The add-on compatibility update for Firefox 27 was published yesterday, and we expect the compatibility bump for AMO add-ons to be done in the following week or so.

As usual we recommend using the Aurora and Beta branches to test your add-ons ahead of time.


Australis, the new Firefox theme, is currently ending its second cycle on Nightly. I published the first installment in a series of posts about it. Check it out: Part 1 – Toolbars.

It’s very important that you test your add-on as soon as you can and figure out if there’s anything you need to do to make it compatible, or if you discover any bugs in the new theme. The blog post has instructions on how to report bugs for it effectively.

2 comments on “Add-ons Update – Week of 2014/01/22”

  1. nachiraz wrote on

    Hi all
    i have been try to get a floating close button that can work with rkiosk for the last week i need to have rkiosk on my browser and when i open a link its in full screen all gr8 but need to be able to close that screen some how with a floating button please please help


    1. Jorge Villalobos wrote on

      From your comment I can’t tell if you’re a user of the add-on or a developer. If the former, you should contact the developer about it. If you’re the developer, you’ll need to be clearer about the problem, and ideally post it in the forum or the #extdev channel on IRC.