Axel Hecht Mozilla in Your Language

November 24, 2010

compare-locales 0.9.1 is out

Filed under: L10n,Mozilla — Tags: , — Axel Hecht @ 7:30 am

I released compare-locales 0.9.1 yesterday on pypi. Do the regular

easy_install -U compare-locales

to update your local copy.

This update includes two bug-fixes compared to 0.9,

  • Don’t warn about XML-defined entities like &, bug 604404
  • Ensure that merged entities have a trailing newline, bug 612619

In particular the latter will make our l10n-merge code more stable. Sadly, we actually need to fix all the newly-reported errors in all stable branches and apps before we can update the production tag. Errors make compare-locales fail, and rightfully so. And fail is bad for release builds that don’t merge, also rightfully so.

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