Categories: SUMO Tools

SUMO L10n redesign

Enjoy this guest post from SUMO Community Manager, Rosana Ardila.

We have good news for our SUMO localizers: we will have some development time to enhance the SUMO l10n tools! We know that our tools were designed for the past release cycle, and now that we have a new Firefox version every 6 weeks we have many updates. I have talked to many of you and we know that we could do some things better. So please, give us your feedback and we will make the tools better for you.

Right now we have so many articles that need an update, so as you do this work, you can think about the main pain points and give us your ideas to make this better. We would love to implement all of your ideas and solve all of your problems, but we don’t have the resources to do it. So please keep in mind that we will have to choose a couple of changes and that we can’t promise you to fix all. But I’m sure we will find a way to make the tools much better!

We want to make this a collective effort, so we created the project plan and three etherpads to track the bugs that were already created, the main pain points and your ideas. It would be great if all of you give us your input or just put your name and a +1 next to an idea or comment you support. If you would like to have a conversation about tools with me or with other localizers we can organize a video, phone or IRC meeting let me know, I’d be more than happy to host it. The idea is to work on this together and create tools that work well for you, our localizers.

You can find the project plan here: Please circle this with all SUMO localizers and give us as much feedback as you can. If you have comments on the project plan or any questions I’m here to help.

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