WebFWD Goes Global: Welcome to our 3 New Fellows + 1 New Friend

This is a cross-posting from our WebFWD blog.

We launched WebFWD knowing that the supply of compelling Open Source projects in support of our mission was plentiful across the globe. Our latest round of Fellows + 1 new Friend of WebFWD demonstrate this well, constituting 4 new countries joining our project.

We’re thrilled to welcome the following teams to WebFWD and keen to see who else will be appearing this quarter (remember, our admissions are rolling, so apply today!):

New WebFWD Fellows

The following teams are participating in our six-month program, receiving mentorship, infrastructure resources and ongoing coaching and help from the Mozilla network:

Meemoo (Finland) a web application that encourages remixing and experimentation with web media. A Meemoo composition is a graph of modules and the wires that connect them. Modules are HTML pages that can live anywhere online, using any web technology. Wires represent how the modules send messages to each other. Compositions will be sharable on a community site. All compositions and modules will be forkable in the Open Source spirit of creative collaboration.

Synbiota (UK + Canada) is building a bio-lab in a browser. Synthetic Biology promises to revolutionize the world in ways we have yet to imagine. Synbiota is working towards this revolution by providing powerful, accessible and open Web tools for synthetic biology design.

Verese (Greece) lets you keep a running tally of how much you owe your friends when you go out to restaurants, bars, etc. Built from day one as a mobile web app, Verese mixes in a fresh interface with some the best tools and standards of the web development world such as jQuery Mobile, Django and HTML5. Using an open API, Verese is making transactions with your friends simple.

New Friend of WebFWD

In addition to our 3 existing Teens In Tech teams, we’re delighted to bring the following team from the UK on board as a Friend of WebFWD:

Propelly (UK) allows you to earn from your creativity by offering you a platform to sell your files/digital products with a single link.