about:memory B2G Memory consumption MemShrink

Nuwa has landed

A big milestone for Firefox OS was reached this week: after several bounces spread over several weeks, Nuwa finally landed and stuck.

Nuwa is a special Firefox OS process from which all other app processes are forked. (The name “Nuwa” comes from the Chinese creation goddess.) It allows lots of unchanging data (such as low-level Gecko things like XPCOM structures) to be shared among app processes, thanks to Linux’s copy-on-write forking semantics. This greatly increases the number of app processes that can be run concurrently, which is why it was the #3 item on the MemShrink “big ticket items” list.

One downside of this increased sharing is that it renders about:memory’s measurements less accurate than before, because about:memory does not know about the sharing, and so will over-report shared memory. Unfortunately, this is very difficult to fix, because about:memory’s reports are generated entirely within Firefox, whereas the sharing information is only available at the OS level. Something to be aware of.

Thanks to Cervantes Yu (Nuwa’s primary author), along with those who helped, including Thinker Li, Fabrice Desré, and Kyle Huey.

Google Chrome Memory consumption MemShrink pdf.js

A slimmer and faster pdf.js

TL;DR: Firefox’s built-in PDF viewer is on track to gain some drastic improvements in memory consumption and speed when Firefox 29 is released in late April.

Firefox 19 introduced a built-in PDF viewer which allows PDF files to be viewed directly within Firefox. This is made possible by the pdf.js project, which implements a PDF viewer entirely in HTML and JavaScript.

This is a wonderful feature that makes the reading of PDFs on websites much less disruptive. However, pdf.js unfortunately suffers at times from high memory consumption. Enough, in fact, that it is currently the #5 item on the MemShrink project’s “big ticket items” list.

Recently, I made four improvements to pdf.js, each of which reduces its memory consumption greatly on certain kinds of PDF documents.

Image masks

The first improvement involved documents that use image masks, which are bitmaps that augment an image and dictate which pixels of the image should be drawn. Previously, the 1-bit-per-pixel (a.k.a 1bpp) image mask data was being expanded into 32bpp RGBA form (a typed array) in a web worker, such that every RGB element was 0 and the A element was either 0 or 255. This typed array was then passed to the main thread, which copied the data into an ImageData object and then put that data to a canvas.

The change was simple: instead of expanding the bitmap in the worker, just transfer it as-is to the main thread, and expand its contents directly into the ImageData object. This removes the RGBA typed array entirely.

I tested two documents on my Linux desktop, using a 64-bit trunk build of Firefox. Initially, when loading and then scrolling through the documents, physical memory consumption peaked at about 650 MiB for one document and about 800 MiB for the other. (The measurements varied somewhat from run to run, but were typically within 10 or 20 MiB of those numbers.) After making the improvement, the peak for both documents was about 400 MiB.

Image copies

The second improvement involved documents that use images. This includes scanned documents, which consist purely of one image per page.

Previously, we would make five copies of the 32bpp RGBA data for every image.

  1. The web worker would decode the image’s colour data (which can be in several different colour forms: RGB, grayscale, CMYK, etc.) from the PDF file into a 24bpp RGB typed array, and the opacity (a.k.a. alpha) data into an 8bpp A array.
  2. The web worker then combined the the RGB and A arrays into a new 32bpp RGBA typed array. The web worker then transferred this copy to the main thread. (This was a true transfer, not a copy, which is possible because it’s a typed array.)
  3. The main thread then created an ImageData object of the same dimensions as the typed array, and copied the typed array’s contents into it.
  4. The main thread then called putImageData() on the ImageData object. The C++ code within Gecko that implements putImageData() then created a new gfxImageSurface object and copied the data into it.
  5. Finally, the C++ code also created a Cairo surface from the gfxImageSurface.

Copies 4 and 5 were in C++ code and are both very short-lived. Copies 1, 2 and 3 were in JavaScript code and so lived for longer; at least until the next garbage collection occurred.

The change was in two parts. The first part involved putting the image data to the canvas in tiny strips, rather than doing the whole image at once. This was a fairly simple change, and it allowed copies 3, 4 and 5 to be reduced to a tiny fraction of their former size (typically 100x or more smaller). Fortunately, this caused no slow-down.

The second part involved decoding the colour and opacity data directly into a 32bpp RGBA array in simple cases (e.g. when no resizing is involved), skipping the creation of the intermediate RGB and A arrays. This was fiddly, but not too difficult.

If you scan a US letter document at 300 dpi, you get about 8.4 million pixels, which is about 1 MiB of data. (A4 paper is slightly larger.) If you expand this 1bpp data to 32bpp, you get about 32 MiB per page. So if you reduce five copies of this data to one, you avoid about 128 MiB of allocations per page.

Black and white scanned documents

The third improvement also involved images. Avoiding unnecessary RGBA copies seemed like a big win, but when I scrolled through large scanned documents the memory consumption still grew quickly as I scrolled through more pages. I eventually realized that although four of those five copies had been short-lived, one of them was very long-lived. More specifically, once you scroll past a page, its RGBA data is held onto until all pages that are subsequently scrolled past have been decoded. (The memory is eventually freed; it just takes longer than we’d like.) And fixing it is not easy, because it involves page-prioritization code isn’t easy to change without hurting other aspects of pdf.js’s performance.

However, I was able to optimize the common case of simple (e.g. unmasked, with no resizing) black and white images. Instead of expanding the 1bpp image data to 32bpp RGBA form in the web worker and passing that to the main thread, the code now just passes the 1bpp form directly. (Yep, that’s the same optimization that I used for the image masks.) The main thread can now handle both forms, and for the 1bpp form the expansion to the 32bpp form also only happens in tiny strips.

I used a 226 page scanned document to test this. At about 34 MiB per page, that’s over 7,200 MiB of pixel data when expanded to 32bpp RGBA form. And sure enough, prior to my change, scrolling quickly through the whole document caused Firefox’s physical memory consumption to reach about 7,800 MiB. With the fix applied, this number reduced to about 700 MiB. Furthermore, the time taken to render the final page dropped from about 200 seconds to about 25 seconds. Big wins!

The same optimization could be done for some non-black and white images (though the improvement will be smaller). But all the examples from bug reports were black and white, so that’s all I’ve done for now.


The fourth and final improvement was unrelated to images. It involved the parsing of the PDF files. The parsing code reads files one byte at a time, and constructs lots of JavaScript strings by appending one character at a time. SpiderMonkey’s string implementation has an optimization that handles this kind of string construction efficiently, but the optimization doesn’t kick in until the strings have reached a certain length; on 64-bit platforms, this length is 24 characters. Unfortunately, many of the strings constructed during PDF parsing are shorter than this, so in order a string of length 20, for example, we would also create strings of length 1, 2, 3, …, 19.

It’s possible to change the threshold at which the optimization applies, but this would hurt the performance of some other workloads. The easier thing to do was to modify pdf.js itself. My change was to build up strings by appending single-char strings to an array, and then using Array.join to concatenate them together once the token’s end is reached. This works because JavaScript arrays are mutable (unlike strings which are immutable) and Array.join is efficient because it knows exactly how long the final string will be.

On a 4,155 page PDF, this change reduced the peak memory consumption during file loading from about 1130 MiB to about 800 MiB.


The fact that I was able to make a number of large improvements in a short time indicates that pdf.js’s memory consumption has not previously been closely looked at. I think the main reason for this is that Firefox currently doesn’t have much in the way of tools for profiling the memory consumption of JavaScript code (though the devtools team is working right now to rectify this). So I will explain the tricks I used to find the places that needed optimization.

Choosing test cases

First I had to choose some test cases. Fortunately, this was easy, because we had numerous bug reports about high memory consumption which included test files. So I just used them.

Debugging print statements, part 1

For each test case, I looked first at about:memory. There were some very large “objects/malloc-heap/elements/non-asm.js” entries, which indicate that lots of memory is being used by JavaScript array elements. And looking at pdf.js code, typed arrays are used heavily, especially Uint8Array. The question is then: which typed arrays are taking up space?

To answer this question, I introduced the following new function.

function newUint8Array(length, context) {
  dump("newUint8Array(" + context + "): " + length + "\n");
  return new Uint8Array(length);

I then replaced every instance like this:

var a = new Uint8Array(n);

with something like this:

var a = newUint8Array(n, 1);

I used a different second argument for each instance. With this in place, when the code ran, I got a line printed for every allocation, identifying its length and location. With a small amount of post-processing, it was easy to identify which parts of the code were allocating large typed arrays. (This technique provides cumulative allocation measurements, not live data measurements, because it doesn’t know when these arrays are freed. Nonetheless, it was good enough.) I used this data in the first three optimizations.

Debugging print statements, part 2

Another trick involved modifying jemalloc, the heap allocator that Firefox uses. I instrumented jemalloc’s huge_malloc() function, which is responsible for allocations greater than 1 MiB. I printed the sizes of allocations, and at one point I also used gdb to break on every call to huge_malloc(). It was by doing this that I was able to work out that we were making five copies of the RGBA pixel data for each image. In particular, I wouldn’t have known about the C++ copies of that data if I hadn’t done this.

Notable strings

Finally, while looking again at about:memory, I saw some entries like the following, which are found by the “notable strings” detection.

> │    │  │  │  │  │  ├────0.38 MB (00.03%) ── string(length=10, copies=6174, "http://sta")/gc-heap
> │    │  │  │  │  │  ├────0.38 MB (00.03%) ── string(length=11, copies=6174, "http://stac")/gc-heap
> │    │  │  │  │  │  ├────0.38 MB (00.03%) ── string(length=12, copies=6174, "http://stack")/gc-heap
> │    │  │  │  │  │  ├────0.38 MB (00.03%) ── string(length=13, copies=6174, "http://stacks")/gc-heap
> │    │  │  │  │  │  ├────0.38 MB (00.03%) ── string(length=14, copies=6174, "http://stacks.")/gc-heap
> │    │  │  │  │  │  ├────0.38 MB (00.03%) ── string(length=15, copies=6174, "http://stacks.m")/gc-heap
> │    │  │  │  │  │  ├────0.38 MB (00.03%) ── string(length=16, copies=6174, "")/gc-heap
> │    │  │  │  │  │  ├────0.38 MB (00.03%) ── string(length=17, copies=6174, "http://stacks.mat")/gc-heap
> │    │  │  │  │  │  ├────0.38 MB (00.03%) ── string(length=18, copies=6174, "http://stacks.math")/gc-heap

It doesn’t take much imagination to realize that strings were being built up one character at a time. This looked like the kind of thing that would happen during tokenization, and I found a file called parser.js and looked there. And I knew about SpiderMonkey’s optimization of string concatenation and asked on IRC about why it might not be happening, and Shu-yu Guo was able to tell me about the threshold. Once I knew that, switching to use Array.join wasn’t difficult.

What about Chrome’s heap profiler?

I’ve heard good things in the past about Chrome/Chromium’s heap profiling tools. And because pdf.js is just HTML and JavaScript, you can run it in other modern browsers. So I tried using Chromium’s tools, but the results were very disappointing.

Remember the 226 page scanned document I mentioned earlier, where over 7,200 MiB of pixel data was created? I loaded that document into Chromium and used the “Take Heap Snapshot” tool, which gave the following snapshot.

Heap Snapshot from Chromium

At the top left, it claims that the heap was just over 50 MiB in size. Near the bottom, it claims that 225 Uint8Array objects had a “shallow” size of 19,608 bytes, and a “retained” size of 26,840 bytes. This seemed bizarre, so I double-checked. Sure enough, the operating system (via top) reported that the relevant chromium-browser process was using over 8 GiB of physical memory at this point.

So why the tiny measurements? I suspect what’s happening is that typed arrays are represented by a small header struct which is allocated on the GC heap, and it points to the (much larger) element data which is allocated on the malloc heap. So if the snapshot is just measuring the GC heap, in this case it’s accurate but not useful. (I’d love to hear if anyone can confirm or refute this hypothesis.) I also tried the “Record Heap Allocations” tool but it gave much the same results.


These optimizations have landed in the master pdf.js repository, and were imported into Firefox 29, which is currently on the Aurora branch, and is on track to be released on April 29.

The optimizations are also on track to be imported into the Firefox OS 1.3 and 1.3T branches. I had hoped to show that some PDFs that were previously unloadable on Firefox OS would now be loadable. Unfortunately, I am unable to load even the simplest PDFs on my Buri (a.k.a. Alcatel OneTouch), because the PDF viewer app appears to consistently run out of gralloc memory just before the first page is displayed. Ben Kelly suggested that Async pan zoom (APZ) might be responsible, but disabling it didn’t help. If anybody knows more about this please contact me.

Finally, I’ve fixed most of the major memory consumption problems with the PDFs that I’m aware of. If you know of other PDFs that still cause pdf.js to consume large amounts of memory, please let me know. Thanks.

about:memory B2G Memory consumption MemShrink

System-wide memory measurement for Firefox OS

Have you ever wondered exactly how all the physical memory in a Firefox OS device is used?   Wonder no more.  I just landed a system-wide memory reporter which works on any Firefox product running on a Linux system.  This includes desktop Firefox builds on Linux, Firefox for Android, and Firefox OS.

This memory reporter is a bit different to the existing ones, which work entirely within Mozilla processes.  The new reporter provides measurements for the entire system, including every user-space process (Mozilla or non-Mozilla) that is running.  It’s aimed primarily at profiling Firefox OS devices, because we have full control over the code running on those devices, and so it’s there that a system-wide view is most useful.

Here is some example output from a GeeksPhone Keon.

Other Measurements 
397.24 MB (100.0%) -- mem
├──215.41 MB (54.23%) ── free
├──105.72 MB (26.61%) -- processes
│  ├───57.59 MB (14.50%) -- process(/system/b2g/b2g, pid=709)
│  │   ├──42.29 MB (10.65%) -- anonymous
│  │   │  ├──42.25 MB (10.63%) -- outside-brk
│  │   │  │  ├──41.94 MB (10.56%) ── [rw-p] [69]
│  │   │  │  └───0.31 MB (00.08%) ++ (2 tiny)
│  │   │  └───0.05 MB (00.01%) ── brk-heap/[rw-p]
│  │   ├──13.03 MB (03.28%) -- shared-libraries
│  │   │  ├───8.39 MB (02.11%) --
│  │   │  │   ├──6.05 MB (01.52%) ── [r-xp]
│  │   │  │   └──2.34 MB (00.59%) ── [rw-p]
│  │   │  └───4.64 MB (01.17%) ++ (69 tiny)
│  │   └───2.27 MB (00.57%) ++ (2 tiny)
│  ├───21.73 MB (05.47%) -- process(/system/b2g/plugin-container, pid=756)
│  │   ├──12.49 MB (03.14%) -- anonymous
│  │   │  ├──12.48 MB (03.14%) -- outside-brk
│  │   │  │  ├──12.41 MB (03.12%) ── [rw-p] [30]
│  │   │  │  └───0.07 MB (00.02%) ++ (2 tiny)
│  │   │  └───0.02 MB (00.00%) ── brk-heap/[rw-p]
│  │   ├───8.88 MB (02.23%) -- shared-libraries
│  │   │   ├──7.33 MB (01.85%) --
│  │   │   │  ├──4.99 MB (01.26%) ── [r-xp]
│  │   │   │  └──2.34 MB (00.59%) ── [rw-p]
│  │   │   └──1.54 MB (00.39%) ++ (50 tiny)
│  │   └───0.36 MB (00.09%) ++ (2 tiny)
│  ├───14.08 MB (03.54%) -- process(/system/b2g/plugin-container, pid=836)
│  │   ├───7.53 MB (01.89%) -- shared-libraries
│  │   │   ├──6.02 MB (01.52%) ++
│  │   │   └──1.51 MB (00.38%) ++ (47 tiny)
│  │   ├───6.24 MB (01.57%) -- anonymous
│  │   │   ├──6.23 MB (01.57%) -- outside-brk
│  │   │   │  ├──6.23 MB (01.57%) ── [rw-p] [22]
│  │   │   │  └──0.00 MB (00.00%) ── [r--p]
│  │   │   └──0.01 MB (00.00%) ── brk-heap/[rw-p]
│  │   └───0.31 MB (00.08%) ++ (2 tiny)
│  └───12.32 MB (03.10%) ++ (23 tiny)
└───76.11 MB (19.16%) ── other

The data is obtained entirely from the operating system, specifically from /proc/meminfo and the /proc/<pid>/smaps files, which are files provided by the Linux kernel specifically for measuring memory consumption.

I wish that the mem entry at the top was the amount of physical memory available. Unfortunately there is no way to get that on a Linux system, and so it’s instead the MemTotal value from /proc/meminfo, which is “Total usable RAM (i.e. physical RAM minus a few reserved bits and the kernel binary code)”.  And if you’re wondering about the exact meaning of the other entries, as usual if you hover the cursor over an entry in about:memory you’ll get a tool-tip explaining what it means.

The measurements given for each process are the PSS (proportional set size) measurements.  These attribute any shared memory equally among all processes that share it, and so PSS is the only measurement that can be sensibly summed across processes (unlike “Size” or “RSS”, for example).

For each process there is a wealth of detail about static code and data.  (The above example only shows a tiny fraction of it, because a number of the sub-trees are collapsed.  If you were viewing it in about:memory, you could expand and collapse sub-trees to your heart’s content.)  Unfortunately, there is little information about anonymous mappings, which constitute much of the non-static memory consumption.  I have some patches that will add an extra level of detail there, distinguishing major regions such as the jemalloc heap, the JS GC heap, and JS JIT code.  For more detail than that, the existing per-process memory reports in about:memory can be consulted.  Unfortunately the new system-wide reporter cannot be sensibly combined with the existing per-process memory reporters because the latter are unaware of implicit sharing between processes.  (And note that the amount of implicit sharing is increased significantly by the new Nuwa process.)

Because this works with our existing memory reporting infrastructure, anyone already using the script with Firefox OS will automatically get these reports along with all the usual ones once they update their source code, and the system-wide reports can be loaded and viewed in about:memory as usual. On Firefox and Firefox for Android, you’ll need to set the memory.system_memory_reporter flag in about:config to enable it.

My hope is that this reporter will supplant most or all of the existing tools that are commonly used to understand system-wide memory consumption on Firefox OS devices, such as ps, top and procrank.  And there will certainly be other interesting, available OS-level measurements that are not currently obtained. For example, Jed Davis has plans to measure the pmem subsystem.  Please file a bug or email me if you have other suggestions for adding such measurements.

about:compartments about:memory Firefox Memory consumption MemShrink

MemShrink progress, week 117–120

Lots of important MemShrink stuff has happened in the last 27 days:  22 bugs were fixed, and some of them were very important indeed.


Timothy Nikkel fixed bug 847223, which greatly reduces peak memory consumption when loading image-heavy pages.  The combination of this fix and the fix from bug 689623 — which Timothy finished earlier this year and which shipped in Firefox 24 — have completely solved our longstanding memory consumption problems with image-heavy pages!  This was the #1 item on the MemShrink big ticket items list.

To give you an idea of the effect of these two fixes, I did some rough measurements on a page containing thousands of images, which are summarized in the graph below.

Improvements in Firefox's Memory Consumption on One Image-heavy Page

First consider Firefox 23, which had neither fix, and which is represented by the purple line in the graph.  When loading the page, physical memory consumption would jump to about 3 GB, because every image in the page was decoded (a.k.a. decompressed).  That decoded data was retained so long as the page was in the foreground.

Next, consider Firefox 24 (and 25), which had the first fix, and which is represented by the green line on the graph.  When loading the page, physical memory consumption would still jump to almost 3 GB, because the images are still decoded.  But it would soon drop down to a few hundred MB, as the decoded data for non-visible images was discarded, and stay there (with some minor variations) while scrolling around the page. So the scrolling behaviour was much improved, but the memory consumption spike still occurred, which could still cause paging, out-of-memory problems, and the like.

Finally consider Firefox 26 (currently in the Aurora channel), which has both fixes, and which is represented by the red line on the graph.  When loading the page, physical memory jumps to a few hundred MB and stays there.  Furthermore, the loading time for the page dropped from ~5 seconds to ~1 second, because the unnecessary decoding of most of the images is skipped.

These measurements were quite rough, and there was quite a bit of variation, but the magnitude of the improvement is obvious.  And all these memory consumption improvements have occurred without hurting scrolling performance.  This is fantastic work by Timothy, and great news for all Firefox users who visit image-heavy pages.

[Update: Timothy emailed me this:  “Only minor thing is that we still need to turn it on for b2g. We flipped the pref for fennec on central (it’s not on aurora though). I’ve been delayed in testing b2g though, hopefully we can flip the pref on b2g soon. That’s the last major thing before declaring it totally solved.”]

[Update 2: This has hit Hacker News.]


Cervantes Yu landed Nuwa, which is a low-level optimization of B2G.  Quoting from the big ticket items list (where this was item #3):

Nuwa… aims to give B2G a pre-initialized template process from which every subsequent process will be forked… it greatly increases the ability for B2G processes to share unchanging data.  In one test run, this increased the number of apps that could be run simultaneously from five to nine

Nuwa is currently disabled by default, so that Cervantes can fine-tune it, but I believe it’s intended to ship with B2G version 1.3.  Fingers crossed it makes it!

Memory Reporting

I made some major simplifications to our memory reporting infrastructure, paving the way for future improvements.

First, we used to have two kinds of memory reporters:  uni-reporters (which report a single measurement) and multi-reporters (which report multiple measurements).  Multi-reporters, unsurprisingly, subsume uni-reporters, and so I got rid of uni-reporters, which simplified quite a bit of code.

Second, I removed about:compartments and folded its functionality into about:memory.  I originally created about:compartments at the height of our zombie compartment problem.  But ever since Kyle Huey made it more or less impossible for add-ons to cause zombie compartments, about:compartments has hardly been used.   I was able to fold about:compartments’ data into about:memory, so there’s no functionality loss, and this change simplified quite a bit more code.  If you visit about:compartments now you’ll get a message telling you to visit about:memory.

Third, I removed the smaps (size/rss/pss/swap) memory reporters.  These were only present on Linux, they were of questionable utility, and they complicated about:memory significantly.

Finally, I fixed a leak in about:memory.  Yeah, it was my fault.  Sorry!


The Mozilla summit is coming up!  In fact, I’m writing this report a day earlier than normal because I will be travelling to Toronto tomorrow.  Please forgive any delayed responses to comments, because I will be travelling for almost 24 hours to get there.

about:memory Firefox Memory consumption MemShrink

MemShrink progress, week 113–116

It’s been a relatively quiet four weeks for MemShrink, with 17 bugs fixed.  (Relatedly, in today’s MemShrink meeting we only had to triage 10 bugs, which is the lowest we’ve had for ages.)  Among the fixed bugs were lots for B2G leaks and leak-like things, many of which are hard to explain, but are important for the phone’s stability.

Fabrice Desré made a couple of notable B2G non-leak fixes.

On desktop, Firefox users who view about:memory may notice that it now sometimes mentions more than one process.  This is due to the thumbnails child process, which generates the thumbnails seen on the new tab page, and which occasionally is spawned and runs briefly in the background.  about:memory copes with this child process ok, but the mechanism it uses is sub-optimal, and I’m planning to rewrite it to be nicer and scale better in the presence of multiple child processes, because that’s a direction we’re heading in.

Finally, some sad news:  Justin Lebar, whose name should be familiar to any regular reader of these MemShrink reports, has left Mozilla.  Justin was a core MemShrink-er from the very beginning, and contributed greatly to the success of the project.  Thanks, Justin, and best of luck in the future!

about:memory B2G Firefox Memory consumption MemShrink

MemShrink progress, week 109–112

There’s been a lot of focus on B2G memory consumption in the past four weeks.  Indeed, of the 38 MemShrink bugs fixed in that time, a clear majority of them relate in some way to B2G.

In particular, Justin Lebar, Kyle Huey and Andrew McCreight have done a ton of important work tracking down leaks in both Gecko and Gaia.  Many of these have been reported by B2G partner companies doing stress testing such as opening and closing apps 100s or 1000s of times over long period.  Some examples (including three MemShrink P1s) are here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here.  There are still some P1s remaining (e.g. here, here, here).  This work is painstaking and requires lots of futzing around with low-level tools such as the GC/CC logs, unfortunately.

Relatedly, Justin modified the JS memory reporter to report “notable” strings, which includes smallish strings that are duplicated many times, a case that has occurred on B2G a couple of times.  Justin also moved some of the “heap-*” reports that previously lived in about:memory’s “Other measurements” section into the “explicit” tree.  This makes “explicit” closer to “resident” a lot of the time, which is a useful property.

Finally, Luke Wagner greatly reduced the peak memory usage seen during parsing large asm.js examples.  For the Unreal demo, this reduced the peak from 881MB to 6MB, and reduced start-up time by 1.5 seconds!  Luke also slightly reduced the size of JSScript, which is one of the very common structures on the JS GC heap, thus reducing pressure on the GC heap, which is always a good thing.


about:memory add-ons Firefox Memory consumption MemShrink

MemShrink progress, week 105–108

This is the first of the every-four-weeks MemShrink reports that I’m now doing.  The 21 bugs fixed in the past four weeks include 11 leak fixes, which is great, but I won’t bother describing them individually.  Especially when I have several other particularly impressive fixes to describe…

Image Handling

Back in March I described how Timothy Nikkel had greatly improved Firefox’s handling of image-heavy pages.  Unfortunately, the fix had to be disabled in Firefox 22 and Firefox 23 because it caused jerky scrolling on pages with lots of small images, such as Pinterest.

Happily, Timothy has now fixed those problems, and so his previous change has been re-enabled in Firefox 24.  This takes a big chunk out of the #1 item on the MemShrink big ticket items list.  Fantastic news!

Lazy Bytecode Generation

Brian Hackett finished implementing lazy bytecode generation.  This change means that JavaScript functions don’t have bytecode generated for them until they run.  Because lots of websites use libraries like jQuery, in practice a lot of JS functions are never run, and we’ve found this can reduce Firefox’s memory consumption by 5% or more on common workloads!  That’s a huge, general improvement.

Furthermore, it significantly reduces the number of things that are allocated on the GC heap (i.e. scripts, strings, objects and shapes that are created when bytecode for a function is generated).  This reduces pressure on the GC which makes it less likely we’ll have bad GC behaviour (e.g. pauses, or too much memory consumption) in cases where the GC heuristics aren’t optimal.

The completion of this finished off item #5 on the old Memshrink big ticket items list.  Great stuff.  This will be in Firefox 24.

Add-on Memory Reporting

Nils Maier implemented add-on memory reporting in about:memory.  Here’s some example output from my current session.

├───33,345,136 B (05.08%) -- add-ons
│   ├──18,818,336 B (02.87%) ++ {d10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d}
│   ├──11,830,424 B (01.80%) ++ {59c81df5-4b7a-477b-912d-4e0fdf64e5f2}
│   └───2,696,376 B (00.41%) ++

It’s obvious that Tree Style Tabs is taking up 2.7 MB.  What about the other two entries?  It’s not immediately obvious, but if I look in about:support at the “extensions” section I can see that they are AdBlock Plus and ChatZilla.

If you’re wondering why those add-ons are reported as hex strings, it’s due to a combination of the packaging of each individual add-on, and the fact that the memory reporting code is C++ and the add-on identification code is JS and there aren’t yet good APIs to communicate between the two.  (Yes, it’s not ideal and should be improved, but it’s a good start.)  Also, not all add-on memory is reported, just that in JS compartments;  old-style XUL add-ons in particular can have their memory consumption under-reported.

Despite the shortcomings, this is a big deal.  Users have been asking for this information for years, and we’ve finally got it.  (Admittedly, the fact that we’ve tamed add-on leaks makes it less important than it used to be, but it’s still cool.)  This will also be in Firefox 24.


Gregor Wagner has landed a nice collection of patches to help the Twitter and Notes+ apps on B2G.

While on the topic of B2G, in today’s MemShrink meeting we discussed the ongoing problem of slow memory leaks in the main B2G process.  Such leaks can cause the phone to crash or become flaky after its been running for hours or days or weeks, and they’re really painful to reproduce and diagnose.  Our partners are finding these leaks when doing multi-hour stress tests as part of their QA processes.  In contrast, Mozilla doesn’t really have any such testing, and as a result we are reacting, flat-footed, to external reports, rather than catching them early ourselves.  This is a big problem because users will rightly expect to have their phones run for weeks (or even months) without rebooting.

Those of us present at the meeting weren’t quite sure how we can improve our QA situation to look for these leaks.  I’d be interested to hear any suggestions.  Thanks!

B2G Firefox Memory consumption MemShrink

MemShrink’s 2nd Birthday

June 14, 2013 is the second anniversary of the first MemShrink meeting.  This time last year I took the opportunity to write about the major achievements from MemShrink’s first year.  Unsurprisingly, since then we’ve been picking fruit from higher in the tree, so the advances have been less dramatic.  But it’s been 11 months since I last update the “big ticket items” list, so I will take this opportunity to do so, providing a partial summary of the past year at the same time.

The Old Big Ticket Items List

#5: Better Script Handling

This had two parts.  The first part was the sharing of immutable parts of scripts, which Till Schneidereit implemented.  It can save multiple MiBs of memory, particular if you have numerous tabs open from the same website.

The second part is lazy bytecode generation, which Brian Hackett has implemented and landed, though it hasn’t yet enabled.  Brian is working out the remaining kinks and hopes to land by the end of the current (v24) cycle.    Hopefully he will, because measurements have shown that it can reduce Firefox’s memory consumption by 5% or more on common workloads!  That’s a huge, general improvement.  Furthermore, it significantly reduces the number of things that are allocated on the GC heap (i.e. scripts, strings, objects and shapes that are created when bytecode for a function is generated).  This reduces pressure on the GC which makes it less likely we’ll have bad GC behaviour (e.g. pauses, or too much memory consumption) in cases where the GC heuristics aren’t optimal.

So the first part is done and the second is imminent, which is enough to cross this item off the list.  [Update:  Brian just enabled lazy bytecode on trunk!]

#4: Regain compartment-per-global losses

Bill McCloskey implemented zones, which restructured the heap to allow a certain amount of sharing between zones. This greatly reduced wasted space and reduced memory consumption in common cases by ~5%.

Some more could still be done for this issue.  In particular, it’s not clear if things have improved enough that many small JSMs can be used without wasting memory.  Nonetheless, things have improved enough that I’m happy to take this item off the list.

#3: Boot2Gecko

This item was about getting about:memory (or something similar) working on B2G, and using it to optimize memory.  This was done some time ago and the memory reporters (plus DMD) were enormously helpful in improving memory consumption.  Many of the fixes fell under the umbrella of Operation Slim Fast.

So I will remove this particular item from the list, but memory optimizations for B2G are far from over, as we’ll see below.

#2: Compacting Generational GC

See below.

#1: Better Foreground Tab Image Handling

See below.

The New Big Ticket Items List

#5: pdf.js

pdf.js was recently made the default way of opening PDFs in Firefox, replacing plug-ins such as Adobe Reader.  While this is great in a number of respects, such as security, it’s not as good for memory consumption, because pdf.js can use a lot of memory in at least some cases.  We need to investigate the known cases and improve things.

#4: Dev tools

While we’ve made great progress with memory profiling tools that help Firefox developers, the situation is not nearly as good for web developers.  Google Chrome has heap profiling tools for web developers, and Firefox should too.  (The design space for heap profilers is quite large and so Firefox shouldn’t just copy Chrome’s tools.)  Alexandre Poirot has started work on a promising prototype, though there is a lot of work remaining before any such prototype can make it into a release.

#3: B2G Nuwa

Cervantes Yu and Thinker Li have been working on Nuwa, which aims to give B2G a pre-initialized template process from which every subsequent process will be forked.  This might sound esoteric, but the important part is that it greatly increases the ability for B2G processes to share unchanging data.  In one test run, this increased the number of apps that could be run simultaneously from five to nine, which is obviously a big deal.  The downside is that getting it to work requires some extremely hairy fiddling with low-level code.  Fingers crossed it can be made to work reliably!

Beyond Nuwa, there is still plenty of other ways that B2G can have its memory consumption optimized, as you’d expect in an immature mobile OS.  Although I won’t list anything else in the big ticket items list, work will continue here, as per MemShrink’s primary aim: “MemShrink is a project that aims to reduce the memory consumption of Firefox (on desktop and mobile) and Firefox OS.”

#2: Compacting Generational GC

Generational GC will reduce fragmentation, reduce the working set size, and speed up collections.  Great progress has been made here — the enormous task of exactly rooting the JS engine and the browser is basically finished, helped along greatly by a static analysis implemented by Brian Hackett.  And Terrence Cole and others are well into converting the collector to be generational.  So we’re a lot closer than we were, but there is still some way to go.  So this item is steady at #2.

#1: Better Foreground Tab Image Handling

Firefox still uses much more memory than other browsers on image-heavy pages.  Fortunately, a great deal of progress has been made here.  Timothy Nikkel fixed things so that memory usage when scrolling through image-heavy pages is greatly reduced.  However, this change caused some jank on pages with lots of small images, so it’s currently disabled on the non-trunk branches.  Also, there is still a memory spike when memory-heavy pages are first loaded, which needs to be fixed before this item can be considered done.  So this item remains at #1.


Three items from the old list (#3, #4, #5) have been ticked off.  Two items remain (#1, #2) — albeit with good progress having been made — and keep their positions on the list.  Three items have been added to the new list (#3, #4, #5).
Let me know if I’ve omitted anything important!

Firefox Memory consumption MemShrink

MemShrink progress, week 103–104

I’m back from vacation.  Many thanks to Andrew McCreight for writing two MemShrink reports (here and here) while I was away, and to Justin Lebar for hosting them on his blog.

Fixes proved its value again, identifying a 40 MiB regression relating to layer animations.  Joe Drew fixed the problem quickly.  Thanks, Joe!

Ben Turner changed the GC heuristics for web workers on B2G so that less garbage is allowed to accumulate.  This was a MemShrink:P1.

Bas Schouten fixed a gfx top-crasher that was caused by inappropriate handling of an out-of-memory condition.  This was also a MemShrink:P1.

Randell Jesup fixed a leak in WebRTC code.

Changes to these progress reports

I’ve written over sixty MemShrink progress reports in the past two years.  When I started writing them, I had two major goals.  First, to counter the notion that nobody at Mozilla cares about memory consumption — this was a common comment on tech blogs two years ago.  Second, to keep interested people informed of MemShrink progress.

At this point, I think the first goal has been comprehensively addressed.  (More due to the  fact that we actually have improved Firefox’s memory consumption than because I wrote a bunch of blog posts!)  As a result, I feel like the value of these posts has diminished.  I’m also tired of writing them;  long-time readers may have noticed that they are much terser than they used to be.

Therefore, going forward, I’m only going to post one report every four weeks.  (The MemShrink team will still meet every two weeks, however.)  I’ll also be more selective about what I write about — I’ll focus on the big improvements, and I won’t list every little leak that has been fixed, though I might post links to Bugzilla searches that list those fixes. Finally, I won’t bother recording the MemShrink bug counts.  (In fact, I’ve started that today.)  At this point it’s pretty clear that the P1 list hovers between 15 and 20 most of the time, and the P2 and P3 lists grow endlessly.

Apologies to anyone disappointed by this, but rest easy that it will give me more time to work on actual improvements to Firefox 🙂

about:memory B2G Memory consumption MemShrink

MemShrink progress, week 95–96

B2G Fixes

Kyle Huey made image.src='' discard the image immediately even if the image is not in the document.  This provides a way for image memory to be discarded immediately, which is important for some B2G apps such as the Gallery app.  This was a MemShrink:P1 bug.

Justin Lebar fixed a bad leak in AudioChannelAgent.

Mike Habicher fixed an image-related leak that was manifesting on B2G.

Other Fixes

I exposed the existing JSON memory report dumping functionality in about:memory.  As a result, gzipped JSON is now the preferred format for attaching memory report data to bugs.  This was a MemShrink:P1 bug.

Honza Bambas overhauled the DOM storage code.  Apparently this might reduce memory consumption, but I fully admit to not knowing the details.

Nicolas Silva fixed a leak in layers code relating to OMTC.

I removed the MEMORY_EXPLICIT telemetry measurement.  I didn’t want to do this, but it’s been causing hangs for some users, and those hangs are hard to avoid due to the complexity of reporting memory consumption from web workers.  Furthermore, in practice the measurement was sufficiently noisy that we’ve never gotten anything useful from it.

Help Needed

Mozilla code uses a mixture of fallible and infallible allocations.  In theory, any allocation that could allocate a large amount of memory (e.g. a few hundred KiB or more) should use a fallible allocator.  We’ve seen recently some cases where large allocations were being made infallibly, which led to OOM crashes.  Bug 862592 proposes adding an assertion to the infallible allocators that the request size isn’t too large.  This is an easy bug to get started with, if anyone is interested.  Details are in the bug.

Bug Counts

Here are the current bug counts.

  • P1: 15 (-4/+4)
  • P2: 145 (-0/+7)
  • P3: 131 (-2/+4)
  • Unprioritized: 5 (-1/+5)


I will be on vacation during May.  As a result, there will be no MemShrink reports for the next three fortnights.  (Although I’ll be away for just over four weeks, that period covers three MemShrink meetings.)  I’ll be back with the next report on June 11.  See you then!