Help 7 Million new Firefox 4 users now!

Join us for today’s Support Firefox Day and help our new users have a great first experience with Firefox 4!

Yesterday we released Firefox 4 to an excited world wide audience and got over 7 Million downloads in the first 24 hours. That’s a lot of new Firefox 4 users. And since so much has changed between Firefox 3.6 and Firefox 4 they are going to have many, many questions.

There are many different ways to help. You can

Check our Cheng’s blog post for more details on how to participate. We will be around all day on #sumo in IRC and

All info for the Support Firefox Day:

2 comments on “Help 7 Million new Firefox 4 users now!”

  1. Ping from Firefox 4 : bien téléchargé et bientôt remplacé on

    […] : un peu de 7 millions de téléchargements selon le blog de Mozilla, donc moins que le record établi avec le […]

  2. nextdrOp wrote on

    How answering using Chrome 11 ?
    Can’t login :-D