Categories: Contributor News

“Top 100”: the SUMO localization challenge!

Over the years our localizers have been supporting SUMO in all of it’s efforts to provide information and help for every user and every problem. Since SUMO has been growing constantly it seem very daunting (although not impossible) to maintain all articles up to date.


Recently we have added some new products and some other might get added soon. So we want to make sure that you can focus on what’s most important and provided the needed help for the users in your locale. For this we want locales to focus on translating and maintaining the Top 100 articles up to date.


By focusing on the Top 100 articles you are helping close to 95% of the users seeking help and your efforts go to articles that actually get a lot of views. I have talked to some localizers and they think that focusing on “only” 100 articles seems much more doable and it’s something that localizers can commit to. Also, if you have a support forum for those 5% users with an edge case that is the best place to get help.
How will this work?
To make it easier we will do some changes:
  • New progress bar for the Top 100 articles (bug filed, waiting to be implemented)
  • New “Top 100” historical graph with all the other metrics (bug filed, waiting to be implemented)
  • Reviewer digest: we realized that in many cases the reviewers weren’t getting back to the articles, so we will be sending them a weekly digest with the articles that are waiting to be reviewed (bug filed, waiting to be implemented)
  • With the current L10n dashboard the articles with the highst visits go on the top, so just working your way from the top of the list is the way to go
We really hope that this change will help you focus on the articles that matter the most for users, so that you know for sure that your time is well spent. We would of course love and welcome if you would translate more than the Top 100, but we want to set a goal that makes sense and gets you motivated. Because 100 articles is actually reachable!


We will still want to have articles localized for special occasions: like the launch of Firefox OS. So apart form the Top 100 articles we might ask you to help us with other articles. But that’s because it will be very exciting : )


I hope you are as excited as we are about these new changes. Now we just need to rally around one simple goal. So, do you take the challenge?


Let us know if you want to be part of this challenge or if you have any thoughts around this on the l10n forum!


(Thanks Jan B for the art work : )