Categories: developers mobile

How would you extend the APIs for Firefox on Android?

How would you extend the APIs for Firefox on Android? A few days ago, stak posted this question on his blog. If you have created add-ons for Firefox on Android, or are considering to, I recommend that you give you him some feedback about what you would like to see available. As a reference for what is already possible, have a look at the NativeWindow documentation.

One comment on “How would you extend the APIs for Firefox on Android?”

  1. don wrote on

    I’d like the ability to create JellyBean expandable notifications that can control the web app in Firefox (similar to the play, pause,ffw buttons for a music player). You could put custom buttons/images/text in the notification and set callbacks for actions on them.

    Ability to read from the filesystem (assuming the user gives the OK with an access request) so I could build a full music player app or other type of app that works with the files on the device.