Add-on Compatibility for Firefox 38

Firefox 38 will be released on May 12th. Here’s the list of changes that went into this version that can affect add-on compatibility. There is more information available in Firefox 38 for Developers, so you should also give it a look.

Update: also, make sure you check out this followup on 38 and 38.0.5.




Please let me know in the comments if there’s anything missing or incorrect on these lists. If your add-on breaks on Firefox 38, I’d like to know.

The automatic compatibility validation and upgrade for add-ons on AMO will probably happen early next month, so keep an eye on your email if you have an add-on listed on our site with its compatibility set to Firefox 37.

3 comments on “Add-on Compatibility for Firefox 38”

  1. Kohei Yoshino wrote on

    Posted Japanese translation:

    1. Jorge Villalobos wrote on


    2. michael ray Keaton j.r wrote on

      yeah yeah