Categories: Summit

Contributor contribution – Summit 2013

Hello, my name is Ramona and I am a Mozillian!  Currently I am enrolled in an HR management program at UCSC and part of the people team at Mozilla.  I am passionate about people, how they connect, communicate and how that influences their success in the workplace.

Before I begin my presentation, I want to share a quote I found the other day, while browsing the great web: “volunteers don’t get paid, not because they are worthless but because they are priceless.”

As a volunteer for Mozilla I spent the last couple of weeks researching tools and processes that we could use during the 2013 Mozilla summit to address the issue of geo-dispersion.  These finding could possibly help both Mozilla employees and volunteers across the globe, feel more connected to each other.  Read more and watch Ramona’s video documentary [1] [2] of her research.

One comment on “Contributor contribution – Summit 2013”

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