Logo Survey Results

As I mentioned last week, one of the ultimate goals of our MozID project (including the logo, but not limited to it) is to create design assets and materials that will help Mozillians everywhere communicate more effectively. To that end, it’s incredibly important that we understand how people use what’s available now and what they really need going forward so we can work towards solutions that will be meaningful.

To begin that conversation, we asked for input via a brief survey, and the results are very interesting. Here are a few topline takeaways:

* 91% of respondents have a Mozillians profile; people were pretty evenly distributed around the world.
* 61% currently get design information & assets from the Mozilla Style Guide.
* 82% of people would find easily available visual assets to be helpful.
* 62% would be likely to use an online tool to create their own customized logos.
* 83% would use the new Mozilla logo or a version of it customized for their own communities.
* 12% would prefer their existing community logo.
* Common use cases include websites, t-shirts, event materials and other swag.

If you’d like to dig in deeper, the full set of results is available here.

This has been helpful to me, because one of our ideas is to create an online tool that would allow Mozillians to create their own custom versions of the new logo. We’re not sure how that would work yet – perhaps it would be based strictly on that user’s data, or perhaps there would be more direct opportunities to directly tweak the details to fit your preferences, or perhaps both – but it does seem like there’s interest in such a thing. I know there are some really good community specific logos out there (Mozilla Mexico has one of my favorites, for example), and we want to be sensitive to that legacy, but if we could create a system that would feel both standardized across Mozilla and also unique to each individual or local community that would be really cool.

Many thanks to the 600+ people who responded to our survey. We’ll be asking follow-up questions AND sharing some design ideas soon…watch this space for details!

3 responses

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  1. Mook wrote on :

    Wasn’t there a mailing to the Mozillians lists about the survey? That might explain the high percentage of respondents who have a Mozillians profile.


    1. John Slater wrote on :

      Yes, that was an expected result. I mainly wanted to confirm that the right people were taking this survey so we could calibrate our thinking accordingly (and the answer is yes, they were).


  2. J.B. Shaw wrote on :

    What do I think about your new flat traditional design idea approach for a Mozilla logo so far? Arggg….It’s terrible…. I like your design data concept for your logo, but please design your new Mozilla logo image with a 3D virtual reality environment in mind. Ask yourself, how will your logo appear on a 3D Displair monitor display (www.displair.com) ? Think Futuristic 3D: The Future is Now.

    Did you know you can use Hyve3D (www.hyve3D.com) to create/sketch a community collaborative logo for Mozilla in virtual 3D? The Hyve3D platform will be also available to mobile devices/platforms next year.

    Right now, I’m taking an excellent free course about Brands at FutureLearn (www.futurelearn.com).
    If you like my ideas and use them, take their free Brands course. Enjoy : ) J. B (Ben) Shaw


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