We’re kicking off Mozilla Service Week today with a bang: we’re close to 10,000 volunteer hours, over 3,500 volunteer opportunities and the site is now available in 10 languages, including recently added Portuguese, Romanian and Catalan. The Friends of Mozilla Service Week have also done an outstanding job raising awareness about our initiative, and we’re thrilled to announce that All for Good and Google have also signed on as friends.
There is literally an opportunity for everyone — whether you are a coder, writer, designer, social media maven, network guru or just plain love the Web. So let’s roll up our sleeves and help organizations and people all over the world experience the joy of using the Web! If you still need a service opportunity, we’ve got one from you:
- Choose from a list of over 3,500 service opportunities on our partner sites (Idealist & betterplace.org). There is a plethora of opportunities, including helping The Nature Conservancy of Chicago, IL with its photo archive, developing a LinkedIn group for Wardrobe for Opportunity in Oakland, CA, helping CARE, Germany’s largest NPO, develop a facebook app to send virtual CARE packages, and keeping Mexico’s Puente a la Salud Comunitaria’s website up-to-date. Our partner OneWebDay also has a variety of service events taking place on and around Sept. 22nd, including a number of events in San Francisco.
- Join a challenge! We’re looking to get a 100 people to conduct an “Internet Health Check” and host a Web help desk, and at least 50 people to host a social media seminar!
- Do it your way! Find an organization that needs help or create your own event. Long-time Mozilla community Ken Saunders reached out to Tutors for All and is volunteering to redesign their website, while Yale’s Free Culture Club is hosting an educational event on Free and Open Source Software.
Remember to register, pledge and report your hours, and help us keep track of all the Mozilla Service Week goodness by tagging posts on delicious and photos on flickr with “mozservice09”. For added inspiration join our very first twitter chat today at 9 a.m. PDT – 10:30 a.m. PDT.
Have fun and make a difference this week!