As Webmaker for Android nears the end of its time in beta and prepares for official launch, we wanted to share an update on Mozilla’s other tools for teaching the Web: Appmaker, Popcorn Maker, Thimble and X-Ray Goggles. We discussed the future of these tools in a May blog post, but after further discussion with the community we have updated our plans.
As previously mentioned, Thimble and X-Ray Goggles are powerful and popular tools among educators for teaching web literacy skills, and can now be found at Later this summer, we’ll be releasing an updated version of Thimble with improved capabilities, so stay tuned!
As our tools evolve, we will no longer support Appmaker and Popcorn Maker. Instead, we’re focusing our efforts on Webmaker for Android, which empowers smartphone users to create local content and read, write and participate online.
Both Appmaker and Popcorn Maker will remain available until Wednesday, Sept. 30, after which they will be inaccessible. We are no longer able to provide bug fixes and user support for these tools. However, users will still be able to access makes created with these tools in a read-only capacity, even after Sept. 30. To do so, visit and sign in. And as open source projects, the code for these tools will continue to be available for reuse at and
If you have any questions, email us at, or reach us on Twitter @Webmaker.
Product Update for Appmaker and Popcorn Maker
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