21C Skills Badging Rubrics and Pilots

As part of Digital Skills for Digital-Age Leadership Development projects funded by the Mott and Irvine Foundations, we recently worked  with our expert advisory groups and Mozilla team to develop a 21C Skills framework and rubrics prototype.
The resulting framework (updated 06.28.2016) includes a core set of 21C Skills (updated 06.14.2016) and will allow people and programs to customize assessments that capture 21C Skills based on relevant content.  The framework is informed by various evaluations of 21C Skills and lessons learned in the badging space.  It outlines pathways for achieving the following exemplar badges:

  • Problem-Solving
  • Creativity
  • Communications
  • Collaboration
    • Collaboration: Audience & Cultural Awareness
    • Collaboration: Collaborative Communication
    • Collaboration: Conflict Resolution
    • Collaboration: Use of Collaboration Technology
    • Collaboration: Responsibility and Productivity

Next steps are to pilot test the 21C Skills, web literacy, and other badges in the Maryland, Michigan, and Oregon statewide afterschool networks.  These networks and their afterschool, school, business and community-based organization partners are uniquely poised to carry out their projects. What we learn will contribute to a better understanding of how to capture any time, any place learning in out-of-school programs and workforce training so that it counts college and career-readiness.
We also plan to offer  21C Skill badges prototypes from teach.mozilla.org for anyone to use – stay tuned for more information.  We hope you will test the 21C Skills with your own relevant content, and look forward to getting your feedback and thoughts.  In the meantime, let us know if you have comments or questions.
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