Announcing 15 new Web Literacy 'maker' badges!

Search: Maker  Remixing: Maker  Privacy: Maker
Following up from yesterday’s post about the new Hive Community Member badge, we’re pleased to announce 15 new Web Literacy ‘maker’ badges. After being tested by Webmaker Mentors and Webmaker Super Mentors they are now ready to be issued!
We’re still a couple of weeks away from a landing page for all of the badges at, so this post provides a list of the Web Literacy badges that are available.
Web Literacy Map v1.1
Each badge corresponds to the ‘Make’ part of the resources page for the relevant Web Literacy Map competency. You can see what this means by looking at, for example, the resources page for Privacy.
Below is a list of the Web Literacy badges that can apply for right now. Note that you might want to follow this guidance if and when you do!




Why not set yourself a challenge? Can you:

  1. Collect one from each strand?
  2. Collect all the badges within a given strand?
  3. Collect ALL THE BADGES?