Maker Party By The Numbers:
Total events during Maker Party: 1,900+
Individuals attending Maker Party events: 85,000+
Number of cities hosting Maker Party events: 385+
In the last six weeks we have seen people all over the world taking a stand for web literacy by throwing Maker Party events. These events are happening across the globe and are teaching critical skills online or offline. If you have been teaching and sharing your skills don’t forget to claim your Skill Sharing Badge. Read more about the highlights from Maker Party this past week:
Here’s what happened last week:
MiniCamp – Jaipur’14 – August 18th, India
MiniCamp was the perfect blend of community building, brainstorming, collaborative activities and hands on making by the Rajasthan community. The 50+ attendees spent the day learning how to develop apps, implement them into the marketplace, build webpages and much more. Read the full day blogpost here.
Net Neutrality Maker Party – August 20th, Barcelona hosted a Maker Party teaching the importance of Net Neutrality. Individuals were asked to consider an internet where information was not equal across providers and users, understand why we needed to protect Net Neutrality and how to take action. See the Thimble makes and pictures on the event page.
Geek Girls Carrots Maker Party Pop-Up! – August 21-22nd, Seattle
This collaborative event hosted by Geek Girls Carrots, Pacific Science Center and The Seattle Public Library was a party for all ages! Attendees not only learned the basics of web literacy and how to program with Python/JavaScript languages but also got the chance to improve the Django Carrots Tutorials and explore other programming languages. See a fantastic group GIF, pictures and more in the event report.
Mozilliarian Maker Party – August 21st, France
In conjunction with a ‘Connected Learning’ presentation at the IFLA congress, this event brought together librarians and library lovers for a fun collaborative learning experience based on Connected Learning principles. See makes, pictures and more on the event page.
Hive Toronto Parapara and Maker Party! – August 18th, Toronto
Hive Toronto hosted a Maker Party with 50 youth from Kid’s Learning Code Design Camp, Regent Park Focus, and a youth media arts center. The used the very cool Parapara Animation, created Kumi mascots and did web mechanics speed dating. Read the full recap, see pictures and find the teaching kits in the event report.
- Feeling bored? Never again! See this awesome make that helps you decide what to do
- See this Email Newsletter Template build by Aspiration Tech
- Read this Maker Party event report from an HTML and CSS party in Toronto
- Share your Maker Party events with this easy, quick and helpful event reporter (it’s also available in Spanish)
- Make a KUMI papertoy at your next event. A fun activity for all ages
In the News
- “Community Maker Party to take place in Miramar” via The Big Idea
- Mozilla Makes Everyone a Web Maker via Tech Thagaval
- KiddConnect at Dhanbad: Spreading Web
Get Involved
- Visit our Maker Party Resource Page to get all the details
- Join a Maker Party event
- Host your own party
- Questions? Contact us at: