How can today’s youth get started in civic engagement at home and in the world?
After discussing that question during our latest Mozilla Curriculum Workshop, a youth-facing civic engagement guide was born. You can watch the discussion and the idea for the guide unfold below.
Our distinguished guests included:
- Rafranz Davis, Executive Director of Professional & Digital Learning for Lufkin ISD and speaker on STEM education, teacher voice, digital equity and diversity in edtech.
- DC Vito, Executive Director of The LAMP (Learning About Media Project), a media literacy organization dedicated to fostering critical, positive, and thriving citizenship.
- Jeremy Dean, Director of Education at, an open platform for annotating and the web for collaboration, discussion, organization, and research.
A few highlights from the discussion included:
- Sharing local and global youth civic engagement and leadership projects, including:
- Weighing the benefits, fears, and obstacles that occur online when striving to bring civic engagement opportunities to youth
- Providing inclusive, safe spaces where youth can be comfortable sharing their ideas on public platforms
The conversation shaped into an idea for a youth-facing civic engagement guide that equips youth with…
- privacy and safety best practices
- a list of youth civic engagement organizations
- code of conduct tools
- a collection fair-use, social media, and user rights resources
- How-to guides for convening, facilitating, and organizing
You can find the civic engagement guide prototype on the etherpad or in our episode’s GitHub repo. Please feel free to comment, ask questions and to use the materials in your own work, as well. We’d love to see this guide develop further to include even more resources, so please contribute! Let us know how to improve the guide for youth in your local community.
Our next Mozilla Curriculum Workshop is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday June 14th at 10am PT, 1pm ET, 5pm UTC (Subject to change). Join co-hosts Amira Dhalla and Chad Sansing and invited guests and drop-in Mozillians as we talk shop about summer learning and curriculum development for the web. We hope you’ll join us for this special episode!
Are you on the go or unable to tune in at our normal broadcast time? Is audio better for you than video? Listen to our March, April, and May episodes as podcasts! Download the links for .mp3 versions of each Mozilla Curriculum Workshop.