Evolving and growing Webmaker community calls

Mozilla reps at mozfest
Mozilla works open. Community calls are one of the principal ways we do that, regularly meeting with community to share, contribute and co-build. We’re making some changes to how we organize community calls run by the Mozilla Foundation. This post outlines why and how. As always, all are welcome to join.
Mozilla Festival 2013

Replacing Tuesday Webmaker calls

We’re winding down the Tuesday Webmaker community calls. And providing more ways for community to get involved instead. Want to get involved in Webmaker and other projects? Consider joining of these other great calls:

  1. Webmaker Mentor calls. Webmaker is all about teaching and learning the web. These calls are for the global community of teachers, informal educators, Mozillians, and everyday people making that happen. Share what you’re working on, get advice, and compare notes with other mentors around the world.
  2. Mozilla All Hands meetings. These provide a high-level view of what’s happening across the entire Mozilla universe each week, including updates on Webmaker and other Mozilla Foundation projects. (Tips for presenters are here.)
  3. Project community calls. Open Badges, Open News, the Web Literacy Standard, Mozilla Science Lab and other projects each have their own community calls as well. All are welcome to participate. All the meeting times and details are listed here.
  4. Webmaker Cross-Team calls. These are focused on the nitty gritty of building the Webmaker tools, web site and user experience. Dig into project management and specifics on what we’re developing, designing and shipping for Webmaker.


Why make these changes?

  • Because we’ve grown. Our community and projects have grown in size and scope. The Webmaker call began its life as a single “all-purpose” call, but now our various other projects are all grown up with community calls of their own.
  • Because we want to provide better value to community. Great community calls have a clear audience, value for participants, and clear set of outputs. We want to focus on the specific projects and pieces that community are most interested in.
  • Because we want to level up contribution in 2014. Growing our community and streamlining our on-ramps for feedback, co-building and contribution is a key goal. We think this improved design will help.

Nov 26 will be the final Webmaker Tuesday call

But don’t fear! You can join the Webmaker Mentor community calls on Thursday, Dec 5 and Thursday, Dec 19 for your Webmaker community fix, without missing a beat.
Got feedback or questions? Please get in touch with @OpenMatt or the Webmaker newsgroup.