Macaw — A responsive web tool that creates clean HTML and CSS from a Photoshop-like fluid design process.
Texting fox — A fox in Norway steals a phone, answers a call, and texts the phone owner’s friend.
Robot Parkour — RHex, an all-terrain walking robot, can execute some seriously impressive moves.
Hacker school in Kenya— 19-year-old Martha Chumo is planning a dev school in Nairobi that will run three month sessions and be free of charge for participants.
Visualizing musical harmonies — A Google Creative Lab developer painstakingly – and beautifully – renders layers of music visible.
Acapella Street Fighter 2 — Smooth McGroove does it again.
Open Dyslexic — An open source font created to increase readability for readers with dyslexia.
‘Report Abuse’ on Twitter — Petition started to add a ‘Report Abuse’ button to Twitter after Caroline Criado-Perez, who campaigned to keep women on banknotes, was harassed and threatened.
Mozilla web mentors — Dumitru Gherman and Clarissa Sorenson talk about what it’s like to teach webmaking.
Faking before & after photos — Why you should never believe before and after ‘weight loss’ fads.
A Fix for the Homogenous Tech Industry — The fantastic educational outreach program, Black Girls Code, gets a write-up in Fast Company.
My Web Safe Colors are Dangerous — Popcorn.js-powered nerdcore rap video
Laser Wolves — Someone was so enamored with this image that they gave it a permanent home on web.
Texting foxes, fonts for dyslexics and musical harmonies: 13 great links for webmakers this week