Panic buttons and baby firefoxes: 9 great links for webmakers this week

Scrollback — A modern, beautifully designed platform for open communities to converse. It combines the lessons learned from IRC with the ease-of-use of an embeddable web app and the power of a cloud service.

Desk-mounted panic button — Do co-workers stop by your desk and pull you into long, boring impromptu meetings? Build an Arduino-powered panic button to call your own phone and politely get rid of them.

Interactive SVG and CSS — This tutorial helps you build impressive animations, effects and interactions using SVG, CSS and JavaScript.

Baby Firefoxes — The Detroit Zoo announces the arrival of twin red pandas (also known as firefoxes).
Love, Internet Style — A 2007 video of Clay Shirky, internet thinker and provocateur, calling out what we can accomplish with caring, collaboration and the open-source movement.
Dokku — The smallest PaaS implementation you’ve ever seen! A Docker-powered mini-Heroku in less than 100 lines of Bash.

Hyperloop — Forget the high-speed train, Tesla and PayPal founder Elon Musk has proposed a futuristic tube to link Los Angeles and San Francisco in a 30-minute trip.
Change the World — A New Yorker article about how Silicon Valley is transferring its slogans—and its money—to the realm of politics.
Git Forks And Upstreams — A great tutorial (and a cool tip) on how forking interacts with upstream.