Firefox fright — Was it the gumboots?
Robot friends — Who needs human friends when you can hang out with these robots?
Waterbear pong — Waterbear is a toolkit for creating drag-and-drop programming languages. To play this version of pong, click ‘Run’ in the top left corner. Player 1 uses ‘w’ and ‘s’ keys, player 2 uses up and down arrows.
Open letter to science — “Where are the robots? Why am I still bathing myself? Why am I still using my own hands to turn on my house lights? Why am I still physically lifting a fork to my mouth in order to eat food? Can we please get the ball rolling here?”
Beck’s 360° concert — In collaboration with director Chris Milk, Beck created a fully immersive concert by capturing the performance with 360-degree cameras and binaural microphones.
Tuts+ HTML tutorial — A great Tuts+ article on getting started with HTML.
Super Mario Busters — Hyperactive mash-up of Ghostbusters + Super Mario Brothers.
Frightened firefoxes & waterbear pong: 7 great links for webmakers this week