Cappella, underwater waterfalls & Ada Lovelace: 14 great links for webmakers this week

Happy Ada Lovelace Day! — Celebrate the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering and math.
Cloudpaint — Because we will never get enough of MacPaint.

Tessel — A SlideShare presentation about Tessel, a microcontroller that runs JavaScript and allows the creation of physical devices that connect to the web.

Tech Troubleshooting — Thanks for laying it out for us, #EdTech.
BBC plans to help to get the nation codingĀ — Tony Hall, director general of the BBC, wants to bring code into every home, business and school in the UK.
Learning Aloud — Watch 14-year old Caroline school our very own Sam Dyson on Scratch in this HiveChicago Geekout session. — Open source infrastructure to crowd-source analysis, insights and references to help make discussion better on the web.

AppSeed — For those of us that like to sketch, this app recognizes individual elements in a drawing and lets users rearrange them and attach dynamic functions.
Pentatonix — Is it just us, or are the harmonies in cappella a metaphor for how we contribute our voices to build an open web. OK, it might just be us.

Hacking thrift store paintings — Artists Thryza Segal and Chris McMahon add a little pizazz to paintings from the Salvation Army.
LookAbout — A 360 degree panorama viewer that lets you tag content. Built as a reusable javascript toolkit. — Avoid 404’s when you link by pointing to a permanent working copy of the webpage.

Mauritius’ underwater waterfall illusion — Satellite view of sand and silt deposits create a cool illusion.
Windy City Nights — Stunning time-lapse cinematography of Chicago at night.