March #TTWchat – Women & the Open Web

If you missed out on yesterday’s inaugural #TTWchat, don’t worry! You can still join in the conversation on our forum and/or read the entire discussion here.
The #TTWchat wrapped up Mozilla Learning’s month-long celebration of women & the open web, which included a Curriculum Workshop and Community Call. The Tweetchat aimed to continue the amazing discussions that grew out of those events, which included ways to improve mentorship programs for women in tech, how to create a safe place for women online and at events, and how to encourage women to identify as readers, writers, and participants on the Web. Many thoughts were gleaned as great content to ponder, remix, and utilize in our pursuit of increasing women’s engagement on the web.
We had 60 individuals from 13 countries (Germany, France, Australia, Denmark, Ireland, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Argentina, Denmark, India, South Africa, Canada, U.K., & U.S.) join us in real time for the conversation.
Here are a few highlights:

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