Growing Mozilla through webmaking: MozCamp + MozParty

This weekend, MozCamp Europe kicks off in Warsaw. Mozilla Reps and other inspired community members will get together to share ideas on growing Mozilla and serving the mission in their communities.

Some of the 100+ Summer Code Party events held across Europe this summer

To mark the occasion, here are some highlights from Mozilla’s Summer Code Party in Europe and beyond. The goal: showcase how Mozilla Reps are already using Mozilla Webmaker tools and the Summer Code Party to reach out to new communities and advance their local work.
About 44 MozReps have held Summer Code Party events so far — here are some of their stories.

Cluj, Romania: 48-hour hackathon

Mozilla Reps Ioana Chiorean and Alex Lakatos hosted a 48-hour Summer Code Party hackathon with about 25 particpants. Together they built web apps and taught webmaking basics like HTML and CSS.

The Cluj hackathon produced two new mobile apps: Hypnosis and Tic Tac Toe. More great photos from the event are here.

Dundee, Scotland: “Making the web physical”

Jon Rogers and Knight-Mozilla OpenNews fellow Laurian Gridinoc gathered with about 50 participants. The focus: physical hacking and linking the web to real objects.

“This is a tech jam Mozilla style – bringing together journalists, coders, film-makers, geeks, programmers and designers interested in turning live data into physical objects.” –Meld Online

Some of what MozParty Dundee made together:

  • Interactive news games. A mash-up of “Have I got news for you” and “whack-a-mole.”
  • Tweetie birds. Daniella Rovira’s Twitter bird flapped its wings whenever someone tweeted “#MozParty.”
  • Street view joystick. Controlling Google Maps street view using a joystick controller.
  • VIDEO: Presenting these and other finished hacks on Air Mozilla
  • Blog posts on the event here, here and here.

Zurich: building mobile apps

Organized by Mozilla Rep Henrik Mitsch, this event focused on creating FirefoxOS apps — like this PDF viewer built using pdf.js — plus sessions on localization, Mozilla Popcorn and “Firefox Source Code 101.”

Pune, India: growing Mozilla through webmaking

Organized by Sayak Sarkar, Faisal Aziz and others, this all-day workshop drew 70 participants to showcase the Mozilla project and teach webmaking. Talks included key aspects of Firefox, FirefoxOS, a hands-on session with Mozilla Thimble and more.

“We are planning on ending the Mozilla Summer Code Party on a high — and we are going BIG for this.” —MozRep Sayak Sarkar

Pune has since gone on to host six more events and is now planning something even bigger: a “Mozilla Carnival” as a grand finale to the Summer Code Party. In conjunction with Software Freedom Day, they’re Inviting Mozilla Reps and volunteers from across India and neighboring regions to participate.

Santa Rosa, Philippines: webmaking in a cafe

Organized by Mozilla Rep Jean Austin, this event gathered about 15 participants in a public cafe to share Mozilla’s mission and teach webmaking. It included a hands-on session with Mozilla Thimble, and a bridge to a MozCoffee event in Manila. Lots of photos here and here.

Get involved

3 responses

  1. brettgaylor wrote on :

    Remos rock!  Don’t forget the awesome Hack Jam Emma Irwin put together in Victoria:
    I’m happy to be working with Emma on a popcorn event this September!

  2. Jessica Klein wrote on :

    Remos do rock- they were the first to user test Hackasaurus, the first to help conceptualize Thimble and are always thoughtful, creative and out on the field making things happen. So nice to see this post. Excited to work to make our relationship even stronger.

  3. Pingback from Webmaker round-up: MozCamp, Hive Berlin, code sprint grants + Hall of Fame | o p e n m a t t on :

    […] MozCamp Europe kicks off in Warsaw, we’re sharing highlights of how Mozilla Reps are using Mozilla Webmaker tools and Summer Code Party events to grow […]