This year Webmaker is using the Open Badges Infrastructure (OBI) – and the newly-minted BadgeKit – to issue Webmaker badges. The first of these will be a Super Mentor badge.
(note that the badge won’t look like the image to the left!)
The aim with Super Mentor badges is to empower and equip those people teaching the web within the Mozilla community. Super Mentors will work with paid contributors (aka staff) to badge Mentors, who in turn will be able to issue Web Literacy badges.
A recent community consultation suggested that Super Mentors should be required to provide evidence of the skills and expertise listed on this Mozilla wiki page.
We have taken these skills and created the following metadata which would be included a Super Mentor badge. Please note that this is subject to review and only a first pass.
Badge Name
Super Mentor badge
This badge is issued by Mozilla to ‘Super Mentors’ within the Mozilla community.
Super Mentors are very active community leaders. They are very knowledgeable and experienced in web literacy, how people learn and have strategies to teach skills to others.
The earner of this badge:
- has a solid understanding of several competencies featured on the Web Literacy Map (
- uses Webmaker tools extensively
- is familiar with other web literacy and digital making methods and tools
- has a solid understanding of key learning methods and concepts
- remixes, or creates teaching kits to help teach learners
- teaches Mentors how to teach web literacy
- organizes Webmaker events and helps others organize as well
- contributes to the strategy and core offerings of Webmaker through testing and working in the open
- recruits, coaches, and organizes Mentors in their community
(link to Webmaker portfolio)
Date Issued
#supermentor, #mentor, #contribution, #mozilla, #community, #webliteracy, #learning, #education
We’d love your feedback on this, so please do leave a comment below or in the Webmaker Google+ community.