Mozilla Learning rallies and connects leaders who want to advance the promise of the Internet for learning in a networked world. This month, we’re rallying around our youth to encourage their voices to be heard in relevant local, national, and global conversations, while also promoting web literacy and 21st Century Skills.
Mozilla Curriculum Workshop – POSTPONED – new time will be announced soon
Join co-hosts Amira Dhalla and Chad Sansing along with invited guests to dig into this year’s Maker Party campaign around copyright and political action, especially in the EU. Guests include
- Christie Bahlai, an insect ecologist who works on combining big data with open science to build sustainable agriculture systems
- Mark Shilltoe, Director of Digital Learning & Media at Gems World Academy
- Philip Harney, Technical & Educational Content Lead at Coder Dojo
Learn about the copyright reform issues at play in Europe and how they connect to – or might impact – your local community and others around the world. Help us develop teaching and learning materials that make copyright, open licensing, and public domain clear and compelling to learners wherever you live. NEW THIS MONTH: Join us on YouTube to watch the live stream and participate in the conversation via etherpad here.
Mozilla Learning Community Call – Tuesday, September 20 10am PT, 1pm ET, 5pm UTC
What are some of the best ways to engage young people to participate in current events and civic discussion? Rachel Roberson from KQED, Andrew Brennen from Student Voice, and Ariam Mogos from Global Kids will be joining us to discuss how we can empower young people to get involved in their local communities, and we’ll discuss current opportunities to get involved with National Writing Project and KQED’s Letters to the Next President 2.0 campaign and more. NEW THIS MONTH: Join us on YouTube to watch the live stream and participate in the conversation via etherpad here.