The Week in Review is our weekly roundup of what’s new in open science from the past week. If you have news or announcements you’d like passed on to the community, be sure to share on Twitter with @mozillascience and @billdoesphysics, or join our mailing list and get in touch there.
Blogs & Articles
- Jon Tennant and Ross Mounce released an Open Research Glossary, which curates definitions of terms relevant to open research, and is “designed to be a resource to inform people about the culture of ‘open scholarship’.” The contents of the Glossary are culled from the community; the authors ask for help and feedback in keeping the document current.
- Amy Atchison and Jonathan Bull blogged about their recent research indicating that ‘green open access’ publishing of research led to significantly higher citation rates than closed access publishing, and considered the importance of these and similar findings for social sciences in the US as they face limited availability of research funds.
- Digital Science released an interactive visualization of their recent research into the connections and impacts of research conducted at universities in the UK.
- Nicole Janz considered whether withholding data should constitute scientific misconduct.
- Dominic Basulto examined the logic of using volume of patent filings as a metric for innovation.
Meetings & Calls
- The Mozilla Science Lab held a live Q & A session on their Science Fellows program, the call for which remains open until August 14. Answers to community questions were recorded in the call etherpad.
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