Mozilla Science Lab Week in Review, Nov. 3 – 9


Big shoutouts this week to Amye Kenall (BioMed Central), Patrick Polischuk (PLOS) Amy Brand (Digital Science) and Liz Allen (Wellcome Trust) et al for their continued work on badges for science, our ongoing work on digital credentialing for the roles of researchers in science. Check out the recent article in Science on as much, and see Amye’s recent blog post for some more context.

In & Around the Lab

Another draft section on the Science Lab’s take on Instructor Training is up at the repo, this time on knowledge and expertise. These lessons are adapted from the Software Carpentry Teaching material, with our own spin. Bill will be teaching this lesson for Software Carpentry Instructor Training at the University of Washington next week – comments always welcome!

Near-Term Forecast

Next week is our Community Call, on November 13 at 11 AM Eastern! In it, we’ll be hearing from community members on how they spur engagement and foster learning in their work; read the full list of speakers here, and find the call in details on the etherpad – we hope you’ll join us!

Kaitlin Thaney will be keynoting WSSSPE on November 16 – abstract coming shortly here.

Collaborate‘s first Weekend Challenge is coming up next weekend, November 14-17! In it, we’ll be hacking on Jared Hawkins‘ project to build an early detection system for disease pandemics using information from social media. More details on the Challenge will be posted closer to the date; all are welcome to join in and hack, remix and explore.

Bill will be co-teaching the third live Instructor Training Workshop for Software Carpentry next week, at the University of Washington. We’re trying a new, three-day format for this event, and continuing to develop our Instructor Training offering; watch this space for a debrief on that event.

Reading List

Badges for Science in Science Mag, from the work continued at MozFest.

Cheat sheet for new Pythonistas!

Intro to Data Science with R video workshop.

IPython Notebooks in Nature.