Study Group Spotlight: Azza Ahmed

Each month, we feature  an update from a Study Group Lead. This month we hear from Azza (@z0ozae, or @zo0z), who manages a bioinformatics study group in Khartoum, Sudan.


Check out their Bioinformatics Study Group!

Description of Study Group: This group was formed following a workshop on NGS data co-conducted by Mozilla Fellow, Richard Smith-Unna. Some of the workshop participants agreed to meet on a regular basis and then to talk and discuss informally about common bioinformatics analysis problems. We typically meet in our lab at the University, and have an online room open in case someone wishes to join remotely.
Current plans/Upcoming Events: We are focusing on the basics of research: conducting literature review, writing proposals.. etc. Following this, the plan is to focus on a certain area of bioinformatics for a couple of months (e.g. variant calling) covering some readings from the literature, and potentially use of some common de facto tools if doable. It’s  a function of participants’ interest, but that is the general outline.

Meet the team!

Study Group Link:

Contact info (to get involved):

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Study Groupers in situ, Khartoum