Each month, we feature an update from a Study Group Lead. This month we hear from Francesca Mancini (@frances_mancini on Twitter) who manages the Aberdeen Study Group in Aberdeen, Scotland.
Study Group Description:
The Aberdeen Study Group is a fun and informal environment where we share ideas and skills on how to make our research more open and reproducible. We are a mixed bunch: biologists, ecologists, bioinformaticians, social scientists, students, post-docs and academics.
Current plans:
Since March we have organised a Hacky Hour, a few tutorials on GitHub, R and Python (check them out here! https://aberdeenstudygroup.github.io/studyGroup/lessons/) and a couple of co-working sessions. At the moment we are in the process of organising a Lightning Demo session where different speakers will give us an introduction to their favourite tool.

Aberdeen Study Groupers in-situ
Study Group Link:
Contact Info:
If you want to suggest an event, give us feedback or just say hi you can open an issue on our GitHub repository https://github.com/AberdeenStudyGroup/studyGroup or send us an email at aberdeen-study-group@googlegroups.com. You can also follow us on Twitter @abdnStudyGroup

Francesca – our interviewee in hacky hour attire!