Software Carpentry Week in Review 13-19 January 2014

… The 3am realization is that many, many “introduction” to programming materials start at the 1→10 transition. But learners start at the 0→1 transition—and a 10-line program has the approachability of Everest at that point. – Andromeda Yelton

Important Announcements

We’ve identified a bug in the current version of Git for Windows that will prevent users from using HTTPS. We are revising installation and setup instructions to avoid this, but if you are running a bootcamp this week, here are two options:

See this issue report for more information.


January is a very busy month for Software Carpentry. This week alone saw 5 bootcamps across the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.

Lesson Material

This past week saw contributions from 8 authors, with 21 commits, 7 files changed, and 1523 new lines of content in our lesson material repository on GitHub. That may sound like a lot, but when tracking Git commits, it is good to keep in mind that a picture is frequently counted as a hundred lines.


  • Greg Wilson explained why Software Carpentry is not run as a MOOC.
  • Aleksandra Pawlik wrote an in-depth report on the first Software Carpentry R bootcamp at Cambridge University. The bootcamp was also reported on by this article from the Software Sustainability Institute.
  • Ivan Gonzalez also wrote a detailed report on the the Software Carpentry bootcamp at the Coastal Institute. Here are his two pieces of advice from teaching this bootcamp:
    • If you advocate version control for science and not only for code, be ready to have an argument about why not using Word.
    • Take as much time as you can for documentation and testing, even with novices.

Green stickies at the Rhode Island R bootcamp

Have a good week!