Software Carpentry Week in Review: February 16-22, 2014

“My whole work life the last two years has been trying to achieve what git does”, Daniel Falster on Twitter, quoting feedback from the workshop he taught this week at the University of Technology Sidney.

What’s happening next week

We are holding an online lab meeting for Software Carpentry this week. Everyone is welcome to attend to either of these sessions:

  • this Wednesday, Feb 26, at 8 pm, or
  • this Thursday, Feb 27, at 11 am.

Both are Eastern time and the meeting will last an hour. Feel free to add your thoughts and items to the lab etherpad, and look there on the day for connection details.


Three workshops happened this week:

Lesson development

8 pull requests were merged, 15 issues were closed, and 6 issues were opened. In addition to the merges, we had 23 commits made by Justin Kitzes, Raniere Silva, David Rio Deiros, Bill Mills, Greg Wilson, and John Blischak.

You can always help Software Carpentry by contributing to the lesson repository. Take a look to the open issues or open a new one to fix/improve/extend something in our lessons.

Other news