Software Carpentry Week in Review: March 24-30, 2014

What’s happening this week


Upcoming workshops

  • 04/02: University of Victoria, Victoria BC CAN.
  • 04/03: University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark.
  • 04/04: University of Oklahoma, Norman OK USA.
  • 04/07: University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, Boulder CO USA.
  • 04/14: PyCon Bootcamps, Montreal QC CAN.
  • 04/14: Women in Science and Engineering, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Berkeley CA USA.

Lesson development

6 pull requests were merged, 8 issues were closed, and 2 issues were opened. In addition to the merges, we had 42 commits made by Sarah Supp, uiuc-cse, Daniel Chen, David Rio, Stephen Turner, Diego Barneche, Philipp Bayer, Erik Bray, Raniere Silva, and Greg Wilson.

Other news

A workshop needs you

  • US and Canada
    • If you’re close to North Carolina, they need an instructor for a workshop at Duke University in June. A workshop in San Diego, California, needs instructors and helpers in May. In addition, instructors are needed for Ithaca in New York, the University of California at Davis, and the Federal Reserve in Washington. Helpers are needed for Toronto and Vancouver in Canada, and Atlanta in Georgia.
  • Europe and Middle East
    • A double workshop, first in Cyprus and one week later in Jordan, needs two instructors. In addition, instructors are needed for two different workshops in Pisa, Italy, in June; one in Kiel, Germany, and another one in Paris, France.
  • Oceania
    • A workshop in Brisbane, Australia, needs instructors and helpers.

Please check the details in this Etherpad or contact Amy and Arliss.