Software Carpentry Week in Review: May 26-June 1, 2014

What’s happening this week

The Mozilla Science Lab global sprint is getting more interesting every day. Titus Brown’s group is using their khmer project to introduce scientists to testing and code review using the “github workflow”. A group of people is translating Software Carpentry to Spanish. Others will work on closing issues and merging pull requests in our repositories. Pick a location to work in or set up a new one, and join these projects or add a new one to the list. All in this Etherpad.


Upcoming workshops

  • June 2: Monash University, Australia.
  • June 4: Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics, Pisa, Italy.
  • June 4: Cornell Institute, Ithaca, New York.
  • June 10: Cyprus Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus.
  • June 10: Spelman Institute, Atlanta, Georgia.

Lesson development

7 pull requests were merged, 1 issue was closed, and 4 issues were opened. In addition to the merges, we had 16 commits made by Damien Irving, Andrea Zonca, and Greg Wilson.

Other news

  • After the success in Boston last year and in Berkeley a month ago, two new bootcamps for women in science and engineering have been announced for the summer.
  • Dhavide Aruliah wrote in our blog about the workshop for librarians he taught at PyCon 2014, and how the instructors adapted to an audience without a background in science.
  • Aleksandra Pawlik discussed in our blog her experience at the in-person Instructor Trainig course held in Toronto a month ago. Her post’s best bit for me? “Impostor syndrome stays forever”.
  • Oxana Sachenkova wrote in her blog about her experience hosting the bootcamp at SciLifeLab in Sweden last week.

A workshop needs you

  • US and Canada
    • A workshop at workshop at Stanford University at the end of July needs an instructor. Another instructor is needed at the University of Delaware in September.
  • Europe
    • At least one instructor is needed for a workshop in Kiel and another in Postdam, both in Germany, and several for workshops in ** Nottingham, Cambridge, and Oxford** in the UK.

More details in the instructor-needed Etherpad.