Software Carpentry Week(s) in Review: Jan 20-31

Swience! Swience is wot bwings us togeder today. Swience, that blessed search for twooth…
– Jason McDermott, #PrincessBrideScience

It’s been a busy week:

  • A group of us have been scrambling to put together a proposal for the new NSF program on Improving Undergraduate STEM Education.
  • While over in the repo, we finally landed a set of introductory lessons on R , fixed a problem with Git Bash that was causing headaches for Windows users, and pulled in several small fixes from instructor trainees.
  • Our workshops have been just as busy. We taught in Montreal and Miami, at Stanford and the US Army Engineering Research and Development Center, and will be at the University of Illinois, MIT, and UC Santa Barbara before the week is over.
  • We also announced two major events, both of which will be held on April 14-15: four (!) simultaneous workshops at PyCon’14 in Montreal, and our second workshop for women in science and engineering at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

I would say, “Hopefully things will slow down next week,” but that’s not actually true: we’re having a blast, and hope you are too.

Nobody gets tenure with Comic Sans.
– Laura Seay, #SixWordPeerReview