Mozilla, the Ontario Trillium Foundation and Hive Toronto are proud to announce funding for Collaborative Community Projects: new initiatives aimed at making Toronto a more innovative, connected and digitally literate city.
$77,000 total is being divided amongst four community-based projects that will provide new connected learning and web literacy programs for youth across the GTA while building partnerships across youth-serving organizations.
Collaborative Community Projects are investments in joint-Hive Toronto member initiatives that help youth become self-directed creators and makers in both formal and informal learning environments. Building upon the success of Hive Toronto’s 2013 Collaborative Community Projects, the 2014 projects have evolved to include both new Hive members and community partners.
The following projects have received funding:
MakerKids, Kids Learning Code, and the Toronto Public Library (TPL) are collaborating to create activities, trainings, and resources to integrate connected learning into schools – learning that is production-centred, interest-powered, and peer-supported.
Lead: MakerKids
Partners: Kids Learning Code, and the Toronto Public Library (TPL)
Youth RadioZilla
Inspired by Hive NYC’s Radio Rookies, two Toronto-based Hivers will collaborate to produce a youth-led internet radio series, school curriculum guide, audiovisual slide shows using Webmaker tools and a project documentary.
Lead: Regent Park Focus Youth Media Arts Centre
Partners: Facing History and Ourselves, Toronto District School Board teachers, Rogers TV (community partner), and a Canadian Aboriginal artist (community partner)
Fashion Futures
Fashion Futures is a series of sharable open source learning modules that encourage creative/critical explorations of the future of what we wear and our interactions with our environment through an interdisciplinary, hands-on approach to investigative design and knowledge-building.
Lead: Textile Museum of Canada
Partners: Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto Public Library (TPL), SKETCH
An Alien Has Landed
A spaceship lands at Pauline Public School and it’s up to the students to use digital tools and social media to get the story out there before it’s too late. Students will document and share the clues about the alien’s identity and the story behind the mysterious crash landing. Using social media and web-based community tools, the students will pass the information along to another school that has just found clues too, and can now add their thoughts to the first school’s report.
Lead: Story Planet
Partners: MakerKids, Kids Learning Code, Toronto Public Library (TPL)
Get involved:
- Contact the Hive Toronto members above for more info about their Collaborative Community Projects
- For more updates, follow Hive Toronto on Twitter and Facebook
- Join Maker Party, Mozilla’s global campaign to teach the web