Firefox Memory consumption MemShrink Uptime

Firefox 64-bit for Windows can take advantage of more memory

By default, on Windows, Firefox is a 32-bit application. This means that it is limited to using at most 4 GiB of memory, even on machines that have more than 4 GiB of physical memory (RAM). In fact, depending on the OS configuration, the limit may be as low as 2 GiB.

Now, 2–4 GiB might sound like a lot of memory, but it’s not that unusual for power users to use that much. This includes:

  • users with many (dozens or even hundreds) of tabs open;
  • users with many (dozens) of extensions;
  • users of memory-hungry web sites and web apps; and
  • users who do all of the above!

Furthermore, in practice it’s not possible to totally fill up this available space because fragmentation inevitably occurs. For example, Firefox might need to make a 10 MiB allocation and there might be more than 10 MiB of unused memory, but if that available memory is divided into many pieces all of which are smaller than 10 MiB, then the allocation will fail.

When an allocation does fail, Firefox can sometimes handle it gracefully. But often this isn’t possible, in which case Firefox will abort. Although this is a controlled abort, the effect for the user is basically identical to an uncontrolled crash, and they’ll have to restart Firefox. A significant fraction of Firefox crashes/aborts are due to this problem, known as address space exhaustion.

Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem available to anyone using a 64-bit version of Windows: use a 64-bit version of Firefox. Now, 64-bit applications typically use more memory than 32-bit applications. This is because pointers, a common data type, are twice as big; a rough estimate for 64-bit Firefox is that it might use 25% more memory. However, 64-bit applications also have a much larger address space, which means they can access vast amounts of physical memory, and address space exhaustion is all but impossible. (In this way, switching from a 32-bit version of an application to a 64-bit version is the closest you can get to downloading more RAM!)

Therefore, if you have a machine with 4 GiB or less of RAM, switching to 64-bit Firefox probably won’t help. But if you have 8 GiB or more, switching to 64-bit Firefox probably will help the memory usage situation.

Official 64-bit versions of Firefox have been available since December 2015. If the above discussion has interested you, please try them out. But note the following caveats.

  • Flash and Silverlight are the only supported 64-bit plugins.
  • There are some Flash content regressions due to our NPAPI sandbox (for content that uses advanced features like GPU acceleration or microphone APIs).

On the flip side, as well as avoiding address space exhaustion problems, a security feature known as ASLR works much better in 64-bit applications than in 32-bit applications, so 64-bit Firefox will be slightly more secure.

Work is being ongoing to fix or minimize the mentioned caveats, and it is expected that 64-bit Firefox will be rolled out in increasing numbers in the not-too-distant future.

UPDATE: Chris Peterson gave me the following measurements about daily active users on Windows.

  • 66.0% are running 32-bit Firefox on 64-bit Windows. These users could switch to a 64-bit Firefox.
  • 32.3% are running 32-bit Firefox on 32-bit Windows. These users cannot switch to a 64-bit Firefox.
  • 1.7% are running 64-bit Firefox already.

UPDATE 2: Also from Chris Peterson, here are links to 64-bit builds for all the channels:


I want more users on the Nightly channel

I have been working recently on a new Platform Engineering initiative called Uptime, the goal of which is to reduce Firefox’s crash rate on both desktop and mobile. As a result I’ve been spending a lot of time looking at crash reports, particular on the Nightly channel. This in turn has increased my appreciation of how important Nightly channel users are.

A crash report from a Nightly user is much more useful than a crash report from a non-Nightly user, for two reasons.

  • If a developer lands a change that triggers crashes for Nightly users, they will get fast feedback via crash reports, often within a day or two.  This maximizes the likelihood of a fix, because the particular change will be fresh in the developer’s mind. Also, backing out changes is usually easy at this point. In contrast, finding out about a crash weeks or months later is less useful.
  • Because a new Nightly build is done every night, if a new crash signature appears, we have a fairly small regression window. This makes it easier to identify which change caused the new crashes.

Also, Nightly builds contain some extra diagnostics and checks that can also be helpful with identifying a range of problems. (See MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT for one example.)

If we could significantly increase the size of our Nightly user population, that would definitely help reduce crash rates. We would get data about a wider range of crashes. We would also get stronger signals for specific crash-causing defects. This is important because the number of crash reports received for each Nightly build is relatively low, and it’s often the case that a cluster of crash reports that come from two or more different users will receive more attention than a cluster that comes from a single user.

(You might be wondering how we distinguish those two cases. Each crash report doesn’t contain enough information to individually identify the user — unless the user entered their email address into the crash reporting form — but crash reports do contain enough information that you can usually tell if two different crash reports have come from two different users. For example, the installation time alone is usually enough, because it’s measured to the nearest second.)

All this is doubly true on Android, where the number of Nightly users is much smaller than on Windows, Mac and Linux.

Using the Nightly channel is not the best choice for everyone. There are some disadvantages.

  • Nightly is less stable than later channels, but not drastically so. The crash rate is typically 1.5–2.5 times higher than Beta or Release, though occasionally it spikes higher for a short period. So a Nightly user should be comfortable with the prospect of less stability.
  • Nightly gets updated every 24 hours, which some people would find annoying.

There are also advantages.

  • Nightly users get to experience new features and fixes immediately.
  • Nightly users get the satisfaction that they are helping produce a better Firefox. The frustration of any crash is offset by the knowledge that the information in the corresponding crash report is disproportionately valuable. Indeed, there’s a non-trivial likelihood that a single crash report from a Nightly user will receive individual attention from an engineer.

If you, or somebody you know, thinks that those advantages outweigh the disadvantages, please consider switching. Thank you.

Firefox Garbage Collection Memory consumption MemShrink

More compacting GC

Jon Coppeard recently extended SpiderMonkey’s compacting GC abilities. Previously, the GC could only compact GC arena containing JavaScript objects. Now it can also compact arenas containing shapes (a data structure used within SpiderMonkey which isn’t visible to user code) and strings, which are two of the largest users of memory in the GC heap after objects.

These improvements should result in savings of multiple MiBs in most workloads, and they are on track to ship in Firefox 48, which will be released in early August. Great work, Jon!


Talky is a nice WebRTC client

I’ve written before about using Firefox Hello, the video chat feature that is now built into Firefox. Firefox Hello is built on top of WebRTC, which is now part of HTML. This means that video chat can also be implemented in ordinary webpages.

I’ve been using Talky recently for lots of 1-on-1 meetings and even some groups meetings. It has some really nice features.

  • You can choose a room name, which becomes part of the URL — e.g.
  • There’s an optional tab-sharing feature.
  • The UI is simple and provides a symmetric experience for all participants.

Great stuff!

Try Server

Fast starring of oranges on try pushes

If you do lots of try pushes it’s worth learning to star oranges using the keyboard instead of the mouse. It’s much faster that way.

The important keystrokes are as follows.

  • ‘j’ and ‘n’ move focus to the next unstarred failure. (‘k’ and ‘p’ move focus to the previous unstarred failure.)
  • Space adds the selected failure to the pinboard.
  • Ctrl-Enter stars all jobs in the pinboard.

So a typical keystroke sequence to star multiple jobs would be: j, space, j, space, j, space, ctrl-enter. Between each j and space you should, of course, check that the failure matches an existing one.

This information, along with lots of other interesting tidbits, is in the Treeherder User Guide.

Thank you to Phil Ringnalda for teaching me this.


Getting my bluetooth keyboard working again after an Ubuntu upgrade

I have a wireless bluetooth keyboard (a Logitech diNovo ultra-flat, about seven years old) that I love. Every time I update my Ubuntu installation there’s a ~50% chance that it’ll stop working, and on the update to 15.10 that I just did I got unlucky.

To get it working again I had to comment out the following two lines in /lib/udev/rules.d/97-hid2hci.rules and then reboot.

KERNEL=="hiddev*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="046d", ATTRS{idProduct}=="c70[345abce]|c71[3bc]", \
  RUN+="hid2hci --method=logitech-hid --devpath=%p"

I’ve had to do something similar on more than one previous occasion. The idea originated here, but note that the name of the rules file has changed since that was written.

(When I updated to 15.04 this problem did not manifest. However, I got unlucky and the batteries in the keyboard died while the update was occurring. Batteries in this keyboard typically last 4–5 months, and diagnosing dead batteries is normally easy — hey, the keyboard stopped working suddenly! — but because Ubuntu updates had caused troubles with this keyboard in the past I assumed the update was the cause. I didn’t think to try new batteries until I’d spent a couple of tedious hours deep in the bluetooth configuration weeds. Lesson learned.)


I rewrote Firefox’s BMP decoder

Recently I’ve been deliberately working on some areas of Firefox I’m unfamiliar with, particular relating to graphics. This led me to rewriting Firefox’s BMP decoder and learn a number of interesting things along the way.

Image decoding

Image decoding is basically the process of taking an image encoded in a file and extracting its pixels. In principle it’s simple. You start by reading some information about the image, such as its size and colour depth, which typically comes in some kind of fixed-size header. Then you read the pixel data, which is variable-sized.

This isn’t hard if you have all the data available at the start. But in the context of a browser it makes sense to decode incrementally as data comes in over the network. In that situation you have to be careful and constantly check if you have enough data yet to safely read the next chunk of data. This checking is error-prone and tends to spread itself all over the image decoder.

For this reason, Seth Fowler recently wrote a new class called StreamingLexer that encapsulates this checking and exposes a nice state-based interface to image decoders. When a decoder changes state (e.g. it finishes reading the header) it tells StreamingLexer how many bytes it needs to safely enter the next state (e.g. to read the first row of pixels) and StreamingLexer won’t return control to the decoder until that many bytes are available.

Another consideration when decoding images is that you can’t trust them. E.g. an image might claim to be 100 x 100 pixels but actually contain less data than that. If you’re not careful you could easily read memory you shouldn’t, which could cause crashes or security problems. StreamingLexer helps with this, too.

StreamingLexer makes image decoders simpler and safer, and converting the BMP decoder to use it was my starting point.

The BMP format

The BMP format comes from Windows. On the web it’s mostly used on the web for favicons though it can be used for normal images.

There’s no specification for BMP. There are eight in-use versions of the format that I know of, with later versions mostly(!) extending earlier versions. If you’re interested, you can read the brief description of all these versions that I wrote in a big comment at the top of nsBMPDecoder.cpp.

Because the format is so gnarly I started getting nervous that my rewrite might  introduce bugs in some of the darker corners, especially once Seth told me that our BMP test coverage wasn’t that good.

So I searched around and found Jason Summers’ wonderful BMP Suite, which exercises pretty much every corner of the BMP format. Version 2.3 of the BMP Suite contains 57 images, 23 of which are “good” (obviously valid), 14 of which are “bad” (obviously invalid) and 20 of which are “questionable” (not obviously valid or invalid). The presence of this last category demonstrates just how ill-specified BMP is as a format, and some of the “questionable” tests have two or three reference images, any of which could be considered a correct rendering. (Furthermore, it’s possible to render a number of the “bad” images in a reasonable way.)

This test suite was enormously helpful. As well as giving me greater confidence in my changes, it immediately showed that we had several defects in the existing BMP decoder, particular relating to the scaling of 16-bit colors and an almost complete lack of transparency handling. In comparison, Chrome rendered pretty much all the images in BMP suite reasonably, and Safari and Edge got a few wrong but still did better than Firefox.

Fixing the problems

So I fixed these problems as part of my rewrite. The following images show a number of test images that Firefox used to render incorrectly; in each case a correct rendering is on the left, and our old incorrect rendering is on the right.

bad-bmp-2 bad-bmp-3 bad-bmp-4 bad-bmp-5

It’s clear that the old defects were mostly related to colour-handling, though the first pair of images shows a problem relating to the starting point of the pixel data.

(These images are actually from an old version of Firefox with version 2.4 of BMP Suite, which I just discovered was released only a few days ago. I just filed a bug to update the copy we use in automated testing. Happily, it looks like the new code does reasonable things with all the images added in v2.4.)

These improvements will ship in Firefox 44, which is scheduled to be released in late January, 2016. And with that done I now need to start thinking about rewriting the GIF decoder


moz-icon: a curious corner of Firefox

Here’s an odd little feature in Firefox. Enter the following text into the address bar.


On my Linux box, it shows the following icon image.


On my Windows laptop, it shows a different icon image.


On my Mac Laptop, that URL doesn’t work but if I change the “128” to “64” it shows this icon image.


In each case we get the operating system’s icon for a PDF file.

Change the “size” (up to a maximum of 255) value and you’ll get a different size. Except on Mac the limit seems to be lower, probably due to the retina screen in some way.

Change the file extension and you’ll get a different icon. You can try all sorts, like “.xml”, “.cpp”, “.js”, “.py”, “.doc”, etc.

How interesting. So what’s this for? As far as I understand, it’s used to make local directory listing pages look nice. E.g. on my Linux box if I type “file:///home/njn/” into the address bar I get a listing of my home directory, part of which looks like the following.


That listing uses this mechanism to show the appropriate system icon for each file type.

Furthermore, this feature is usable from regular web pages! Just put a “moz-icon” URL into an <image> tag and you’ll get OS-specific icons in your webpage.

That’ll only work on Firefox, though. Chrome actually has a similar mechanism, though it’s not usable from regular web pages. (For more detail — much more — read here.) As far as I know Safari, IE and Edge do not have such a mechanism; I’m not sure if they support listing of local directories in this fashion.


Abuse is indefensible

This post is entirely my personal opinion.

Linus Torvalds wrote a 541 word abusive rant about two lines of code he didn’t like.

J. David Eisenberg rewrote it to show how the same opinion could be expressed in an equally direct, but non-abusive fashion. At 180 words, it’s almost exactly 1/3 the length of Linus’s original, and much clearer.

As a complementary exercise, I extracted the overtly abusive parts of Linus’s text (103 words) and put them here. (Coarse language alert!)

I consider this kind of abuse indefensible. Nonetheless, I’ve seen multiple people defending and even celebrating it. (One outlet called it an “epic rant”.) Of the many things I could say about this, I will say just one: sadly, I am certain the reaction to this text would be entirely different were it written by a woman.

I will moderate the comment thread below this post with enthusiasm. I won’t hesitate to delete comments that are hurtful, abusive, or otherwise objectionable to me. Please think before commenting.

Mac OS X Power

What does the OS X Activity Monitor’s “Energy Impact” actually measure?

[Update: this post has been updated with significant new information. Look to the end.]

Activity Monitor is a tool in Mac OS X that shows a variety of real-time process measurements. It is well-known and its “Energy Impact” measure (which was added in Mac OS X 10.9) is often consulted by users to compare the power consumption of different programs. Apple support documentation specifically recommends it for troubleshooting battery life problems, as do countless articles on the web.

However, despite its prominence, the exact meaning of the “Energy Impact” measure is unclear. In this blog post I use a combination of code inspection, measurements, and educated guesses to hypothesize how it is computed in Mac OS X 10.9 and 10.10.

What is known about “Energy Impact”?

The following screenshot shows the Activity Monitor’s “Energy” tab.

There are no units given for “Energy Impact” or “Avg Energy Impact”.

The Activity Monitor documentation says the following.

Energy Impact: A relative measure of the current energy consumption of the app. Lower numbers are better.

Avg Energy Impact: The average energy impact for the past 8 hours or since the Mac started up, whichever is shorter.

That is vague. Other Apple documentation says the following.

The Energy tab of Activity Monitor displays the Energy Impact of each open app based on a number of factors including CPU usage, network traffic, disk activity and more. The higher the number, the more impact an app has on battery power.

More detail, but still vague. Enough so that various other  people have wondered what it means. The most precise description I have found says the following.

If my recollection of the developer presentation slide on App Nap is correct, they are an abstract unit Apple created to represent several factors related to energy usage meant to compare programs relatively.

I don’t believe you can directly relate them to one simple unit, because they are from an arbitrary formula of multiple factors.

[…] To get the units they look at CPU usage, interrupts, and wakeups… track those using counters and apply that to the energy column as a relative measure of an app.

This sounds plausible, and we will soon see that it appears to be close to the truth.

A detour: top

First, a necessary detour. top is a program that is similar to Activity Monitor, but it runs from the command-line. Like Activity Monitor, top performs periodic measurements of many different things, including several that are relevant to power consumption: CPU usage, wakeups, and a “power” measure. To see all these together, invoke it as follows.

top -stats pid,command,cpu,idlew,power -o power -d

(A non-default invocation is necessary because the wakeups and power columns aren’t shown by default unless you have an extremely wide screen.)

It will show real-time data, updated once per second, like the following.

PID            COMMAND                  %CPU         IDLEW        POWER
50300          firefox                  12.9         278          26.6
76256          plugin-container         3.4          159          11.3
151            coreaudiod               0.9          68           4.3
76505          top                      1.5          1            1.6 
76354          Activity Monitor         1.0          0            1.0

The PID, COMMAND and %CPU columns are self-explanatory.

The IDLEW column is the number of package idle exit wakeups. These occur when the processor package (containing the cores, GPU, caches, etc.) transitions from a low-power idle state to the active state. This happens when the OS schedules a process to run due to some kind of event. Common causes of wakeups include scheduled timers going off and blocked I/O system calls receiving data.

What about the POWER column? top is open source, so its meaning can be determined conclusively by reading the powerscore_insert_cell function in the source code. (The POWER measure was added to top in OS X 10.9.0 and the code has remain unchanged all the way through to OS X 10.10.2, which is the most recent version for which the code is available.)

The following is a summary of what the code does, and it’s easier to understand if the %CPU and POWER computations are shown side-by-side.

|elapsed_us| is the length of the sample period
|used_us| is the time this process was running during the sample period

  %CPU = (used_us * 100.0) / elapsed_us

  POWER = if is_a_kernel_process()
            ((used_us + IDLEW * 500) * 100.0) / elapsed_us

The %CPU computation is as expected.

The POWER computation is a function of CPU and IDLEW. It’s basically the same as %CPU but with a “tax” of 500 microseconds for each wakeup and an exception for kernel processes. The value of this function can easily exceed 100 — e.g. a program with zero CPU usage and 3,000 wakeups per second will have a POWER score of 150 — so it is not a percentage. In fact, POWER is a unitless measure because it is a semi-arbitrary combination of two measures with incompatible units.

Back to Activity Monitor and “Energy Impact”

MacBook Pro running Mac OS X 10.9.5

First, I did some measurements with a MacBook Pro with an i7-4960HQ processor running Mac OS X 10.9.5.

I did extensive testing with a range of programs: ones that trigger 100% CPU usage; ones that trigger controllable numbers of idle wakeups; ones that stress the memory system heavily; ones that perform frequent disk operations; and ones that perform frequent network operations.

In every case, Activity Monitor’s “Energy Impact” was the same as top‘s POWER measure. Every indication is that the two are computed identically on this machine.

For example, consider the data in the following table,  The data was gathered with a small test program that fires a timer N times per second; other than extreme cases (see below) each timer firing causes an idle platform wakeup.

Hz     CPU ms/s   Intr        Pkg Idle   Pkg Power  Act.Mon. top
     2     0.14        2.00       1.80     2.30W     0.1    0.1
   100     4.52      100.13      95.14     3.29W       5      5
   500     9.26      499.66     483.87     3.50W      25     25
  1000    19.89     1000.15     978.77     5.23W      50     50
  5000    17.87     4993.10    4907.54    14.50W     240    240
 10000    32.63     9976.38    9194.70    17.61W     485    480
 20000    66.66    19970.95   17849.55    21.81W     910    910
 30000    99.62    28332.79   25899.13    23.89W    1300   1300
 40000   132.08    37255.47   33070.19    24.43W    1610   1650
 50000   160.79    46170.83   42665.61    27.31W    2100   2100
 60000   281.19    58871.47   32062.39    29.92W    1600   1650
 70000   276.43    67023.00   14782.03    31.86W     780    750
 80000   304.16    81624.60     258.22    35.72W      43     45
 90000   333.20    90100.26     153.13    37.93W      40     42
100000   363.94    98789.49      44.18    39.31W      38     38

The table shows a variety of measurements for this program for different values of N. Columns 2–5 are from powermetrics, and show CPU usage, interrupt frequency, and package idle wakeup frequency, respectively. Column 6 is Activity Monitor’s “Energy Impact”, and column 7 is top‘s POWER measurement. Column 6 and 7 (which are approximate measurements) are identical, modulo small variations due to the noisiness of these measurements.

MacBook Air running Mac OS X 10.10.4

I also tested a MacBook Air with an i5-4250U processor running Mac OS X 10.10.4. The results were substantially different.

Hz     CPU ms/s   Intr        Pkg Idle   Pkg Power Act.Mon. top
     2     0.21        2.00       2.00     0.63W   0.0     0.1
   100     6.75       99.29      96.69     0.81W   2.4     5.2
   500    22.52      499.40     475.04     1.15W   10       25
  1000    44.07      998.93     960.59     1.67W   21       48
  3000   109.71     3001.05    2917.54     3.80W   60      145
  5000    65.02     4996.13    4781.43     3.79W   90      230
  7500   107.53     7483.57    7083.90     4.31W   140     350
 10000   144.00     9981.25    9381.06     4.37W   190     460

The results from top are very similar to those from the other machine. But Activity Monitor’s “Energy Impact” no longer matches top‘s POWER measure. As a result it is much harder to say with confidence what “Energy Impact” represents on this machine. I tried tweaking the previous formula so that the idle wakeup “tax” drops from 500 microseconds to 180 or 200 microseconds and that gives results that appear to be in the ballpark but don’t match exactly. I’m a bit skeptical whether Activity Monitor is doing all its measurements at the same time or not. But it’s also quite possible that other inputs have been added to the function that computes “Energy Impact”.

What about “Avg Energy Impact”?

What about the “Avg Energy Impact”? It seems reasonable to assume it is computed in the same way as “Energy Impact”, but averaged over a longer period. In fact, we already know that period from the Apple documentation that says it is the “average energy impact for the past 8 hours or since the Mac started up, whichever is shorter.”

Indeed, when the Energy tab of Activity Monitor is first opened, the “Avg Energy Impact” column is empty and the title bar says “Activity Monitor (Processing…)”. After a few seconds the “Avg Energy Impact” column is populated with values and the title bar changes to “Activity Monitor (Applications in last 8 hours)”. If you have top open during those 5–10 seconds can you see that systemstats is running and using a lot of CPU, and so presumably the measurements are obtained from it.

systemstats is a program that runs all the time and periodically measures, among other things, CPU usage and idle wakeups for each running process (visible in the “Processes” section of its output.) I’ve done further tests that indicate that the “Avg Energy Impact” is almost certainly computed using the same formula as “Energy Impact”. The difference is that the the measurements are from the past 8 hours of wake time — i.e. if a laptop is closed for several hours and then reopened, those hours are not included in the calculation — as opposed to the 1, 2 or 5 seconds of wake time used for “Energy Impact”.

battery status menu

Even more prominent than Activity Monitor is OS X’s battery status menu. When you click on the battery icon in the OS X menu bar you get a drop-down menu which includes a list of “Apps Using Significant Energy”.

Screenshot of the OS X battery status menu

How is this determined? When you open this menu for the first time in a while it says “Collecting Power Usage Information” for a few seconds, and if you have top open during that time you see that, once again, systemstats is running and using a lot of CPU. Furthermore, if you click on an application name in the menu Activity Monitor will be opened and that application’s entry will be highlighted. Based on these facts it seems reasonable to assume that “Energy Impact” is again being used to determine which applications show up in the battery status menu.

I did some more tests (on my MacBook Pro running 10.9.5) and it appears that once an energy-intensive application is started it takes about 20 or 30 seconds for it to show up in the battery status menu. And once the application stops using high amounts of energy I’ve seen it take between 4 and 10 minutes to disappear. The exception is if the application is closed, in which case it disappears immediately.

Finally, I tried to determine the significance threshold. It appears that a program with an “Energy Impact” of roughly 20 or more will eventually show up as significant, and programs that have much higher “Energy Impact” values tend to show up more quickly.

All of these battery status menu observations are difficult to make reliably and so should be treated with caution. They may also be different in OS X 10.10. It is clear, however, that the window used by the battery status menu is measured in seconds or minutes, which is much less than the 8 hour window used for “Avg Energy Impact”.

An aside: systemstats is always running on OS X. The particular invocation used for the long-running instance — the one used by both Activity Monitor and the battery status menu — takes the undocumented --xpc flag. When I tried running it with that flag I got an error message saying “This mode should only be invoked by launchd”. So it’s hard to know how often it’s making measurements. The output from vanilla command-line invocations indicate it’s about every 10 minutes.

But it’s worth noting that systemstats has a -J option which causes the CPU usage and wakeups for child processes to be attributed to their parents. It seems likely that the --xpc option triggers the same behaviour because the Activity Monitor does not show “Avg Energy Impact” for child processes (as can be seen in the screenshot above for the login, bash and vim processes that are children of the Terminal process). This hypothesis also matches up with the battery status menu, which never shows child processes. One consequence of this is that if you ssh into a Mac and run a power-intensive program from the command line it will not show up in Activity Monitor’s energy tab or the battery status menu, because it’s not attributable to a top-level process such as Terminal! Such processes will show up in top and in Activity Monitor’s CPU tab, however.

How good a measure is “Energy Impact”?

We’ve now seen that “Energy Impact” is used widely throughout OS X. How good a measure is it?

The best way to measure power consumption is to actually measure power consumption. One way to do this is to use an ammeter, but this is difficult. Another way is to measure how long it takes for the battery to drain, which is easier but slow and requires steady workloads. Alternatively, recent Intel hardware provides high-quality estimates of processor and memory power consumption that are relatively easy to obtain.

These approaches all have the virtue of measuring or estimating actual power consumption (i.e. Watts). But the big problem is that they are machine-wide measures that cannot be used on a per-process basis. This is why Activity Monitor uses several proxy measures — ones that correlate with power consumption — which can be measured on a per-process basis. “Energy Impact” is a hybrid of at least two different proxy measures: CPU usage and wakeup frequency.

The main problem with this is that “Energy Impact” is an exaggerated measure. Look at the first table above, with data from the 10.9.5 machine. The variation in the “Pkg Power” column — which shows the package power from the above-mentioned Intel hardware estimates — is vastly smaller than the variation in the “Energy Impact” measurements. For example, going from 1,000 to 10,000 wakeups per second increases the package power by 3.4x, but the “Energy Impact” increases by 9.7x, and the skew gets even worse at higher wakeup frequencies. “Energy Impact” clearly weights wakeups too heavily. (In the second table, with data from the 10.10.4 machine, the weight given to wakeups is less, but still too high.)

Also, in the first table “Energy Impact” actually decreases when the timer frequency gets high enough. Presumably this is because the timer interval is so short that the OS has trouble putting the package into a idle power state. This leads to the absurd result that firing a timer at 1,000 Hz has about the same “Energy Impact” value as firing one at 100,000 Hz, when the package power of the latter is about 7.5x higher.

Having said all that, it’s understandable why Apple uses formulations of this kind for “Energy Impact”.

  • CPU usage and wakeup frequency are probably the two most important factors affecting a process’s power consumption, and they are factors that can be measured on a per-process basis.
  • Having a single measure makes things easy for users; evaluating the relative important of multiple measures is more difficult.
  • The exception for kernel processes (which always have an “Energy Impact” of 0) avoids OS X itself being blamed for high power consumption. This makes a certain amount of sense — it’s not like users can close the kernel — while also being somewhat misleading.

If I were in charge of Apple’s Activity Monitor product, I’d do two things.

  1. I would compute a new formula for “Energy Impact”. I would measure the CPU usage, wakeup frequency (and any other inputs) and actual power consumption for a range of real-world programs, on a range of different Apple machines. From this data, hopefully a reasonably accurate model could be constructed. It wouldn’t be perfect, and it wouldn’t need to be perfect, but it should be possible to come up with something that reflects actual power consumption better than the existing formulations. Once formulated, I would then test the new version against synthetic microbenchmarks, like the ones I used above, to see how it holds up. Given the choice between accurately modelling real-world applications and accurately modelling synthetic microbenchmarks, I would definitely favour the former.
  2. I would publicly document the formula that is used so that developers can actually tell how their applications are being evaluated, and can optimize for that measure. You may think “but then developers will be optimizing for a synthetic measure rather than a real one” and you’d be right. That’s an inevitable consequence of giving a synthetic measure such prominence, and all the more reason for improving it.


“Energy Impact” is a flawed measure of an application’s power consumption. Nonetheless, it’s what many people use at this moment to evaluate the power consumption of OS X applications, so it’s worth understanding. And if you are an OS X application developer who wants to reduce the “Energy Impact” of your application, it’s clear that it’s best to focus first on reducing wakeup frequency, and then on reducing CPU usage.

Because Activity Monitor is closed source code I don’t know if I’ve characterized “Energy Impact” exactly correctly. The evidence given above indicates that I am close on 10.9.5, but not as close on 10.10.4. I’d love to hear if anybody has evidence that either corroborates or contradicts the conclusions I’ve made here. Thank you.


A commenter named comex has done some great detective work and found on 10.10 and 10.11 Activity Monitor consults a Mac model-specific file in the /usr/share/pmenergy/ directory. (Thank you, comex.)

For example, my MacBook Air has a model number 7DF21CB3ED6977E5 and the file Mac-7DF21CB3ED6977E5.plist has the following list of key/value pairs under the heading “energy_constants”.

kcpu_time               1.0
kcpu_wakeups            2.0e-4

This matches the previously seen formula, but with the wakeups “tax” being 200 microseconds, which matches what I hypothesized above.

kqos_default            1.0e+00
kqos_background         5.2e-01
kqos_utility            1.0e+00
kqos_legacy             1.0e+00         
kqos_user_initiated     1.0e+00
kqos_user_interactive   1.0e+00

“QoS” refers to quality of service classes which allow an application to mark some of its own work as lower priority. I’m not sure exactly how this is factored in, but from the numbers above it appears that operations done in the lowest-priority “background” class is considered to have an energy impact of about half that done in all the other classes.

kdiskio_bytesread       0.0
kdiskio_byteswritten    5.3e-10

These ones are straightforward. Note that the “tax” for disk reads is zero, and for disk writes it’s a very small number. I wrote a small program that wrote endlessly to disk and saw that the “Energy Impact” was slightly higher than the CPU percentage alone, which matches expectations.

kgpu_time               3.0e+00

It makes sense that GPU usage is included in the formula. It’s not clear if this refers to the integrated GPU or the separate (higher performance, higher power) GPU. It’s also interesting that the weighting is 3x.

knetwork_recv_bytes     0.0 
knetwork_recv_packets   4.0e-6
knetwork_sent_bytes     0.0
knetwork_sent_packets   4.0e-6

These are also straightforward. In this case, the number of bytes sent is ignored, and only the number of packets matter, and the cost of reading and writing packets is considered equal.

So, in conclusion, on 10.10 and 10.11, the formula used to compute “Energy Impact” is machine model-specific, and includes the following factors: CPU usage, wakeup frequency, quality of service class usage, and disk, GPU, and network activity.

This is definitely an improvement over the formula used in 10.9, which is great to see. The parameters are also visible, if you know where to look! It would be wonderful if all these inputs, along with their relative weightings, could be seen at once in Activity Monitor. That way developers would have a much better sense of exactly how their application’s “Energy Impact” is determined.