Nov 9

Visitor Log

Category: Mozilla Spaces

We love guests in our Mozilla offices.

We especially love them when they sign our visitor log.


  • We’re responsible for our guests in the case of emergencies. If something were to happen and we had to evacuate the building we want to make sure everyone is safe and accounted for.
  • Personal belongings and Mozilla property is better secured when we know who is in our space.
  • We can track and manage how busy our MozSpaces are, and plan for future spaces based on our lists. That means more spaces and better events!
  • Plus, we love to know who our friends are.

Please help us keep our sites and visitors safe by reminding all guests to sign in.



2 Comments so far

  1. Andrew Williamson November 12th, 2012 11:49

    Are ‘guests’ just non-employees or should we sign in as a guest when we visit another mozilla office?

  2. WPR November 12th, 2012 11:51

    Good Question! Guests are non-employees. Though it is also good to for us to know when we have employee visitors from other offices.

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