Launching Maker Party 2013
Let’s get this party started! Mozilla has officially kicked off Maker Party 2013! For the next three months, people around the world will meet up at great events, make cool stuff and share it all online.
The goal: host a worldwide party celebrating all the amazing things we can make and learn thanks to the web.
“The web gives us all the chance to be creators, makers and inventors. Maker Party is about joining thousands of people across the globe to make something amazing, teach each other new skills, and have a great time doing it.”
— Mark Surman, Mozilla’s Executive Director
Now to September 15: join or host your own event
The party’s already happening. This past June 15 was Maker Party’s opening weekend, and participants got together at schools, parks, temples, shopping mall food courts and more, organizing their own hack jams, meet-ups and code parties. They made everything from interactive videos about their favorite foods to web pages about their hometown to instructions for building your own bottle rocket.
Want to join in the fun? You can find a Maker Party event near you — or host your event now using these easy Maker Party event guides. You can also dive in by yourself right now, using Webmaker tools like Thimble and Popcorn Maker to make or remix your own project, then tag it with #MakerParty to connect with other participants around the globe.
Party partners
- Black Girls Code will run 10 coding workshops across Africa and the U.S.
- The MIT Media Lab is inviting kids to program stories, games and animations.
- will make 250,000 projects with kids
- The Maker Education Initiative will teach teachers
- Girl Scout troops will issue merit badges for digital skills
Get involved
- Find an event near you. Check back often — more events are being added all the time.
- Host your own event. Our Maker Party event guides make it easy, whether it’s hosting your own party or just getting together with friends and family at home.
- Invite friends. Spread the word and invite others to join the party.
- Share your work with the world. Tag and share your projects using #makerparty.