The Mozilla Campus Reps program saw a lot of growth in 2008 and we plan to build on that momentum by helping students around the world get better organized and do more as they spread Firefox and the Mozilla mission around campus and their communities.
We’re going to start by providing them with a Campus Reps Guide, which is currently in the works. We’ll make it available both online and in print when it’s ready later this year. The guide will highlight what the Campus Reps program is about, provide examples of activities and challenges that students can take on, and outline a framework for starting a Mozilla Club on campus.
Clubs are a great way to bring passionate people together to accomplish more than any one person could possibly do on your own…and it makes everything a lot more fun! For a great example of a successful Mozilla Club, check out mozillaclub at the Jordan University of Science & Technology (JUST). They had a very busy 2008 and I look forward to seeing more great things from them this year. Great job guys!
I hope our reps will find inspiration from what the JUST mozillaclub has been able to accomplish and take advantage of the Campus Reps Guide and continued support from us to replicate the Mozilla Club model in 2009.