Design digital badges for NASA, Intel, Disney-Pixar, the U.S. Department of Education and other leading organizations in the “Badges for Learning” competition. Deadline for entries is January 17.
Help the world level up with NASA, the MacArthur Foundation and Mozilla.
Mozilla is seeking designers and developers to participate in the $2 million “Badges for Learning” competition. Participants will have the chance to design digital badges for more than 60 different leading organizations, all aimed at providing recognition for learning that happens on the web or outside of school.
Winners will receive funding from the MacArthur Foundation to make their designs a reality, plus the opportunity to collaborate with Mozilla and other leading organizations in education, industry and government.
The goal: supercharge 21st century learning by building a free, open source badge system that helps people around the world use the Web to gain new skills and level up in their life and work.
Learn more or get involved here.