Before the summer season ends, we wanted to do one last thing for the SF Shock team and their fans. One of the players, Moth, shared that Firefox is the only browser he uses. He learned about Firefox while studying software engineering in college. Firefox and Mozilla’s mission along with the open source ethos is what keeps him a loyal user. To celebrate that, we’re inviting SF Shock fans — and anyone else who might be interested — to design an original Firefox theme.
“We have the most artistic and creative fans. I’ve always been in awe of their artwork,” Moth said. “Firefox has always given users the option to personalize their browser, and what better way to showcase our fans’ artwork than through online art that you can see every day in Firefox Themes.”
Moth and the SF Shock team will review the entries and select the ones they like best. Along with bragging rights, Moth will also celebrate the winners by:
Skinning his Firefox browser with the winning theme
Featuring the artwork on his Twitter header for a month
Showing the artwork and Theme on his Twitch Overlay for a month
Autographing and giving San Francisco Shock team jerseys to his top three choices