Hacking an inkjet printer and BEARS! 10 great links for webmakers this week


Portraits génétiques — Brilliant (and somewhat eerie) genetic mashup portraits.
The Poking Machine — A wearable device that pokes you physically whenever you are poked on Facebook, no matter where you are.
Long Island Landscapers — NY PBS mocks reality shows with cheeky new TV spots.

How to troll the police — Keep your eye on that camera!
BEARS! — A very active bear webcam in Brooks Falls, Alaska.

Melting Portraits — Photographer Ben DeHaan hacks the UV curing process on a normal inkjet printer to produce “uncured” portraits.
The Johnny Cash Project — Check out the latest on this global collective art initiative that combines one-of-a-kind portraits to create a music video for Johnny Cash’s “Ain’t No Grave.”
The paranoid #! Security Guide — This detailed post provides several “recipes” for securing your computer, your internet connection and your web applications on a Debian-based Linux system.

Ambiguous Data Visualization — Being sure is good; being uncertain is not necessarily bad.  A research paper on rendering uncertainty visual.
Coquette — A micro framework for JavaScript games that handles collision detection, game update loops, keyboard input and canvas rendering.

1 response

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