Introducing new resources making use of the Web Literacy Map

The Web Literacy Map is the collection of skills and competencies that the Mozilla community believe it’s important to pay attention to if you want to get better at reading, writing and participating on the web.
Web Literacy Map
We’ve been working on ways that people can use the Web Literacy Map in their particular context. Here’s three resources we’ve come up with:

  1. The Web Literacy Mapper (or ‘WebLitMapper’ for short)
  2. A Web Literacy Learning Pathways resource
  3. Draft guidelines for aligning with the Web Literacy Map

These three tools and resources are very much still in development at the moment but let’s take a closer look at them as we’d appreciate your feedback.

1. The WebLitMapper

Web Literacy Mapper
This prototype by Atul Varma is a way of tagging resources around the web with the competency layer of the Web Literacy Map. Once logged in with your Webmaker account, you can copy-and-paste the URL, choose which competencies it fits with (e.g. ‘Open practices’) and add some additional details.
For added convenience, the WebLitMapper can be used as a bookmarklet so that you can tag things as you browse the web. There are already a good deal of community-contributed resources in there! – go check it out!

2. Web Literacy Learning Pathways

Web Literacy Learning Pathways
This resource was put together by Laura Hilliger and focuses on the skills layer of the Web Literacy Map. Learners can click on one of the skills and choose either ‘What should I know?’ or ‘What can I learn next?’. This visually highlights a basic learning pathway. Check it out here.
As this was made using Mozilla Thimble, you can hit the Remix button as I did. We’ll be doing some additional work on the skills underpinning each competency in the run-up to the Mozilla Festival later this year.

3. Draft alignment guidelines

Draft alignment guidelines
This resource is an attempt to scaffold people’s alignment with the Web Literacy Map. We’re working on four key questions, some mini case studies and a Web Literacy Canvas. As it’s still early days, we’d very much appreciate feedback as well as any examples you may be able to give from your context.


We’d love to know what you think about these tools and resources. Please do bear in mind that we’re sharing them early for your feedback and they’re very much still in development.
What works? What needs changing? What else would help you in your efforts to #teachtheweb?

1 response

  1. Christine Prefontaine wrote on :

    Would it be possible to link the skills listed in Atul’s mapper with the learning pathways graphic? To see context? That would rock.