Hive Toronto is excited to announce that we are a recipient of CIRA’s Community Investment Program. CIRA is actively building a stronger internet in Canada by providing funding to charities, not-for-profits and the academic community for projects that are on “on the ground” making the internet better for all Canadians. We will be launching the Ca.pture project which addresses the intellectual skills, personal values, and critical thinking required for good digital citizenship.
Working with educators and Mozilla staff, youth from Hive Toronto member organizations will develop open source digital skill-building activities designed to empower their peers to prevent and intervene in electronic bullying. Teens will leave the final workshop as peer educators, charged with sharing new understanding and tools for better digital citizenship with their peers. Built into the final phase of this collaborative project is professional development for educators to support youth promoting good digital citizenship through peer-to-peer anti-cyberbullying education. Aiming to improve the technical and social aspects of digital literacy among youth, Ca.pture leverages three powerful influencers: peer-to-peer education, youth-led tool design, and educator training.
If you have any questions on the CA.pture project, please contact