Mozilla Science Lab is a year old!

As you may know from some recent posts, it’s the first anniversary of the creation of Mozilla Science Lab. The actual day was June 14, and in lieu of sending you all a piece of cake, here are some pictures from our first year in action.

We like to make signs at Mozilla Science Lab, especially for MozFest, Mozilla’s public festival. (By the way, watch this space for news about what we’re cooking up for Mozfest this coming October!)


Science! With Kaitlin Thaney and Neil Chue Hong.

Software Carpentry - Scientific Computing Doesn't Have to Hurt

Scientific computing doesn’t have to hurt

Get hands on! With tools for Open Science.

Tools for Open Science

We also love whiteboards, whether we’re recording why people need Data Carpentry:


What do we want to do? What tools do we use now?

or figuring out the many identities and relationships in our community:

Our community web

A web of community members and pathways.

In the process of organizing, introducing, engaging, unpacking and otherwise digging into open science, we go through a lot of sticky notes:


Amy Brown, Mozilla Science Lab administrator of sticky notes.


Kaitlin Thaney, Mozilla Science Lab director of sticky notes.

Finally, two family snapshots from MozFest. Here’s Kaitlin with Mark Surman of the Mozilla Foundation and Josh Greenberg of the Sloan Foundation:


Kaitlin, Mark and Josh connect the dots

and with Firefox!



1 response

  1. Peer Aramillo Irizar wrote on :

    Happy birthday! :) Keep it up!