I was excited to see that asm.js has been added to status.modern.ie as “Under Consideration”. Since asm.js isn’t a JS language extension like, say, Generators, what this means is that Microsoft is currently considering adding optimizations to Chakra for the asm.js subset of JS. (As explained in my previous post, explicitly recognizing asm.js allows an engine to do a lot of exciting things.)
Going forward, we are hopeful that, after consideration, Microsoft will switch to “In Development” and we are quite happy to collaborate with them and any other JS engine vendors on the future evolution of asm.js.
On a more general note, it’s exciting to see that there has been across-the-board improvements on asm.js workloads in the last 6 months. You can see this on arewefastyet.com or by loading up the Dead Trigger 2 demo on Firefox, Chrome or (beta) Safari. Furthermore, with the recent release of iOS8, WebGL is now shipping in all modern browsers. The future of gaming and high-performance applications on the web is looking good!
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