Jetpack Project: weekly update for May 1, 2012

Project News

  • Jetpack contributor Hernán Colmeiro gave not 1, not 2 but 3 talks in Buenos Aires and Santiago last week on the SDK: “Add-on SDK, what is it? How do I help?
  • Irakli got hacking at the Firefox work week in Toronto this week and added SDK support to Firefox’s Scratchpad editor via his ‘Scratch-kit’ add-on.
  • Alex landed HTML localization, paving the way for developers and localizers to start fully localizing SDK-based add-ons!
  • Irakli posted his ‘Spring Cleaning’ list of things to address in the SDK in order to move forward with project plans. If you’re a module developer, please read over these and provide feedback in the mailing list as there are some changes that may break your code.
  • Some unsolicited praise from Mario Scheliga on twitter brightened up everyone’s week.

Quick Stats

Note: the stats above are based on the queries I linked to for each item. If you have suggestions on how these queries might be made more accurate,please comment below. Stats generated at 2012-05-01 09:42:31 PDT

Meeting Brief

  • Builder: no update today.
  • SDK: need to amend release process to make sure we always update maxVersion in our install.rdf template
  • Roundtable: test failures in nightly related to a patch last week from the Fx team, discussion around breaking changes in Irakli’s spring cleaning list, Alex is looking into more memory leak issues.

Full minutes are available here: