We recently launched a new tool that should make the lives of all Mozillians a little (or a lot) easier: the One Mozilla style guide.
What it means for the big picture:
The idea is to define what it means for a website, product, logo, promotion, etc to look & feel like Mozilla so we can make sure we’re presenting a consistent and unified message to users everywhere they encounter our work. As Mozilla continues to grow and evolve, that consistency is essential to telling our story effectively.
What it means for you:
Practically speaking, the style guide has all kinds of goodies to help you – logos, fonts, color palettes, code + other details on how to make Mozilla websites, and much more…it’s all there. It’s meant to be a handy reference, so please browse around and familiarize yourself with how to use it. And most importantly, if you’re working on a new user-facing Mozilla project, be sure you’re following these general parameters.
What’s coming next:
The guide is a work in progress, and we’ll be continuing to add more content in the coming months (especially a lot of info about product design in conjunction with the UX team). And, if you have questions or would like to share feedback of any sort don’t hesitate to post them in the comments section here.
Big thanks to Sean Martell and Matej Novak, who have driven much of the work on the guide so far, and to the further talents and contributions of Mike Alexis, Raymond Etornam, Ty Flanagan, Steven Garrity, Holly Habstritt, Michael Kelly, Celia Liang, Anthony Ricaud, Pete Scanlon, Tara Shahian and Lee Tom.
(cross-posted from intothefuzz)