A few weeks ago I posted an open call to the Mozilla community for help designing a series of online badges so our Web Development team could recognize the work done by their volunteer contributors. I’m happy to report that not only did we get a variety of great submissions, but the winning design turned out to be something I feel really great about.
Here you can see the full set of badge designs, created by David Smiley:
(You can also see David’s set of badges a little more up close and personal on his Flickr page.)
In addition to these community-created visual designs, we’re excited to share that these are open badges. They’re different from other digital (image-based) badge files in that they have metadata information baked into them. This will make it possible for Mozilla contributors’ future collaborators and employers to see the criteria and evidence behind their badges. These are the first Mozilla-issued badges for contributors that align with the technical standard that Mozilla Foundation has created.
Many thanks to everyone who participated in the challenge…you can check the full set of submissions here if interested. And if you’re interested in this sort of thing, stay tuned for more community design projects and badge design competitions with other Mozilla teams!
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John Slater
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John Slater
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Balu Ertl
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